RMA disposition of Job type

Hello everyone,
I have tried using only RMA Disposition type Fail/Stock. But now I need to use Job Type. But I have never used it before, so I have many questions.
Could you kindly give me answers to my questions below?

  1. We received the product for RMA and we need to replace only one small component of it. Then, when creating a job, do I just put in the parts that need to be replaced as raw materials? What I’m most curious about is, when creating a Job for this RMA, what should I put in the RM?(Or should I just enter the product’s BOM as is?)
    Can you give me a full explanation of how to create a Job to do this RMA disposition?
  2. What happens to the inventory transaction when I do an RMA disposition of this Job Type? When the job is completed, the product will be created, and when the RMA is processed, the inventory will disappear?
    I would greatly appreciate it if you could explain the RMA Disposition for the Job type.