Reworking Serial Tracked Parts

Hi Scott,
We use RMA to track all parts returned from customer, for repair, scrap, or restocking.  It is helpful to see what has been brought in that we don't own.

For repair jobs, we have two lines on our sales orders for the repair.  

First, a "receipt inspection" line to allow us to charge for the inspection/repair quote in case we need to charge customer for bringing it in, taking a look at it, and then they don't want to proceed with repair.  Receipt Inspection part is setup as nonstock, quantity bearing, NO serial tracking.

Our second line on sales order is for "Repair and Upgrade" part.  This part is setup as NS, QB and Serial Tracking ON.

If no repair is to be done, we delete the repair and upgrade line.

The RMA for repair work is done against the originally sold part number / sales order number.  The returned serialized part is then disposed to a repair job tied to the repair sales order. The repair job is done for the Product group for the original part.  The top level part being created from the job is the serialized "Repair and Upgrade" part number.  This is what eventually gets shipped, following repair.

We like this method because it tracks returns against the original part number, which allows trending of data.  Also, it allows us to see / report out what Part A sold for vs what Part A's repair sold for.

We do have some problems with the serial number getting "tied up" when a part is returned multiple times.  In those cases, I sometimes have to manually edit the status of the serial number to allow it to be returned again.  I hope to fix this soon and think that this upgrade to 905702 is going to help with that.

Lastly, serial number tracker is used to bring in all transactions against all parts for a serial number.  With this, we see both "Part A" transactions (e.g., job, shipment, etc.) data and then "Repair and Upgrade" transactions for the Part A serial number (e.g., job, shipment, etc.).


Question for the group,


I need to setup a process for reworking serial tracked finished goods.

I have some ideas involving customizations and utilizing a UD table, but I’d love to hear some other ideas.


We produce units that are serial tracked, with internal components that are also serial tracked.

If a unit fails in the field, we bring it in and can change out internal components(serial tracked).

When the unit goes back to the customer, it should have the same part and serial number.

This finished part must also be updated with the correct serial matching, showing at any point in time all of the internal component serial numbers.

It is also possible that this unit will come back again for rework.



All ideas welcome!




Scott KaufmanBusiness Systems Analyst


Are you using the RMA process to handle the return?

Thanks for the reply.
Currently we are not using the RMAs in Epicor. It is a very manual process today.
I've looked into using RMAs, however it doesn't seem to fit the problem. RMA returns are based from the original order and are setup to credit the customer.
Units will come back years after the original order, so we need a new order and we will charge the customer for the repair/upgrade. This is why I was leaning more towards "Rework".

Any other ideas?


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 7:33 PM, paul.morgan@... [vantage] <> wrote:

  <p><br>Are you using the RMA process to handle the return?</p>


<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>

Hi Scott,


We create a new sales order (ie dont use the orginal sales order) for similar reason to you.  Depending on the situation we will either disposition the RMA to a job (we manual create what we call a repair job - R00 then the RMA number so we have a visual link) or to stock.


Receipting the RMA will bring the serial number back into your system, but I am not sure of the internal serial number...... we only track the top level part.


