Reversing an a.r. invoice

We generally post the next day too. However the AR girl reviews all the
shipments using some reports or BAQs to assist in finding any errors prior
to posting. If that overcheck does not find an error however, the best way
we've found to reverse an AR invoice after posting is to enter a
miscellaneous (credit) invoice and re-invoice - although this may slightly
skew bookings/revenue with respect to COS and/or gross margins to the
product code assigned to the order. In a bit different scenario, (the
shipment has to be returned to inventory) then we enter an RMA to receive
the incorrect shipment back and credit the invoice through the RMA process
and redo the shipment correctly.

Hope this helps!


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:23 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] reversing an a.r. invoice

Thank you for the responses, perhaps I should have described the
process I was trying to accomplish. In writing processes for our up
coming go-live. We are at the stage of writing procedures for
correcting errors that we know will occur on occasion. The particular
trouble area I am looking at concerns our warehouse actually shipping
one line but showing in the system to ship another. Although our staff
is fairly accurate I can see this coming up.

Our planed a.r. process is to invoice and post no later than next day
after shipment. We will most likely not know we made an error at this

So hence the question, I know how to correct this with in the system if
the it isn't posted but I was wondering if someone had a process that
works well in place that we might copy from for a posted invoice.

Thank you again for the responses and for any other suggestions that
might be offered.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
is there any way to reverse an a.r. invoice that is posted?

Credit Memo is the only way...

M. Manasa Reddy
P: 630-806-2000
F: 630-806-2001


From: [] On Behalf
Of bking521
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 4:25 PM
Subject: [Vantage] reversing an a.r. invoice

is there any way to reverse an a.r. invoice that is posted?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Or you could adjust the invoice off to the same gl account that was hit when it posted.

Christy J. Morris
Cold Jet, LLC
455 Wards Corner Road
Loveland, Ohio 45140

+1 513-716-6370
+1 513-576-8986 (fax)<>

Setting industry standards in dry ice technology and solutions for over 20 years.
From: [] On Behalf Of Manasa Reddy
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 8:17 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] reversing an a.r. invoice

Credit Memo is the only way...

M. Manasa Reddy
P: 630-806-2000
F: 630-806-2001


From:<> [<>] On Behalf
Of bking521
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 4:25 PM
Subject: [Vantage] reversing an a.r. invoice

is there any way to reverse an a.r. invoice that is posted?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thank you for the responses, perhaps I should have described the
process I was trying to accomplish. In writing processes for our up
coming go-live. We are at the stage of writing procedures for
correcting errors that we know will occur on occasion. The particular
trouble area I am looking at concerns our warehouse actually shipping
one line but showing in the system to ship another. Although our staff
is fairly accurate I can see this coming up.

Our planed a.r. process is to invoice and post no later than next day
after shipment. We will most likely not know we made an error at this

So hence the question, I know how to correct this with in the system if
the it isn't posted but I was wondering if someone had a process that
works well in place that we might copy from for a posted invoice.

Thank you again for the responses and for any other suggestions that
might be offered.

Bill -

I had to come up with the same kind of procedure a few months ago
because of problems we sometimes have with communication between our
shipping and AR departments. I call this our "mis-ship" procedure, but
it could be used for "mis-invoice" as well.

I ended up deciding to treat the mis-ship as a customer return (RMA),
but the customer basically never knows it happens. We create and
disposition an RMA, create a credit against the RMA and apply it to the
invoice, and then re-invoice the customer. The customer should, in
theory, never see this has happened - they just get the new invoice.

I haven't yet had to use this procedure, since at the same time as we
created the procedure we tweaked our shipping/invoicing procedures to
build in a half-day delay so we could better deal with the problems for
which the mis-ship procedure was created.

I thought I wrote up a document in Word to describe the actual steps,
but I can't seem to find it right now...



From: [] On Behalf
Of bking521
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 8:23 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] reversing an a.r. invoice

Thank you for the responses, perhaps I should have described the
process I was trying to accomplish. In writing processes for our up
coming go-live. We are at the stage of writing procedures for
correcting errors that we know will occur on occasion. The particular
trouble area I am looking at concerns our warehouse actually shipping
one line but showing in the system to ship another. Although our staff
is fairly accurate I can see this coming up.

Our planed a.r. process is to invoice and post no later than next day
after shipment. We will most likely not know we made an error at this

So hence the question, I know how to correct this with in the system if
the it isn't posted but I was wondering if someone had a process that
works well in place that we might copy from for a posted invoice.

Thank you again for the responses and for any other suggestions that
might be offered.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]