Does anyone know why Epicor split subcontract cost equally to the number of jobs in Project? Where can I see that posting rule, if it’s even exist?
To my knowledge, recognizing revenue splits ALL costs across all open phase jobs. In 10.2.400 Epicor introduced Revenue Recognition by Phase. I believe that the cost are removed from that particular phase.
Hi Mark,
It seems the costs split to all the jobs (manufacturing jobs and project job/phase jobs). It confuses me and wondering if there is a way to put cost into a lump sum or split costs to manufacturing jobs at designated percentage?
Your Build Project Analysis should be rolling up the costs of your linked manufacturing jobs into the WBS Phase Job. When Rev Rec is done, the cost will come from those WBS Phase jobs either equally among the open jobs if recognizing by project or from the single phase job if recognizing by phase. There really isn’t much control that I know of beyond that. Sorry.