I already reported this as a bug. It is working as designed. This is my case. Submit more cases and reference my case number. We are on prem and found this during testing. I can’t go to 2022 like this.
CS0003332256 - CR2022.2 - WIP Consumed but have material to return
Here are the case details.
We have a situation where WIP has been consumed for a LOT by qty reporting, however there is material to return after the job is complete. It tells us there is not enough in WIP to do the return which is accurate as far as the system is concerned, but that’s not reality. What would be the procedure to get this remaining qty back to the lot?
Hi Joshua,
Thank you for the confirmation.
After doing more research, I was able to find that this has been reported under ERPS-199161. In it, it is explained that there was a change to WIP PCID project, which affects standard WIP functionality. In this case, once the operation is marked as “Complete” the system takes it that all the issued material has been consumed, which is why it no longer shows in WIP. Since there is no more material in WIP, it is not possible to return it and that is why the error shows.
This change was implemented in the latest version, which explains that the error showing is correct.
In this case, if you need to return material, you will need to recall and delete the Labor Transaction, then Return the Material and make a new Labor Transaction with the consumed material.
I am placing this case under the status of Suggested Resolution, pending its verification. This status will give you 4 weeks to test and confirm that everything is correct.
If all good, please do not hesitate to close this case. If you encounter any issue or if you have any questions, feel free to place a comment in this case, so it will get re-activated.
So is ERPS-199161 a jira case for a fix or is this something that won’t be fixed? I guess that part is unclear. If that’s not something that is going to be changed it’s going to wreak havoc on us.
Hi Joshua,
In this case, it will not be fixed as is it not considered a bug but an intended change. It was a change in functionality that took place with the new update, meaning this is how the application now works.
I am placing this case under the status of Suggested Resolution, pending its verification. This status will give you 4 weeks to test and confirm that everything is correct.
If all good, please do not hesitate to close this case. If you encounter any issue or if you have any questions, feel free to place a comment in this case, so it will get re-activated.