Return material from job not enough wip


Has anyone noticed that after latest upgrade you can not return material to stock from job if run qty meets completed qty. It now says that there are no qty on wip. Usuly we have been returning paint powder when we had powder savings during part grouping on painting line.

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We are having the same issue both MTO and stock jobs. We manually issue the material and return any excess. WIP has always cleared when the operation is complete (complete qty = run qty) and we’ve never received this error returning material. I did submit a Case this morning that has been assigned but no response as of yet.

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I allso rised question to epicor if any logic has changed, still no answer. We are using backfslush but in case if we had savings we return materials back. But from this morning I get complains from users that they can not return it back any more

Response from Epicor - Ok, this is what is happening, in 2022.2.3 a new feature was added called WIP PCID, and this feature affects the also regular WIP, this is happening because you completed the operation linked to the material, so that material is no longer available, it has been consumed, so there is nothing else left to return

As an example, you are doing Jellow, and it is done, but then you want to take the water out if, you cannot do it anymore, so it is the same logic here

The only option is to delete the labor record to have that material unconsumed, do the return quantity and the enter the labor quantity based on the material you have.

My response was that I don’t believe material is returned to WIP upon deleting a time record and that is not a viable solution regardless. If anyone else has any other ideas, please provide.

That sounds like a nonsence. So if I need mtl for job like 100pcs, but just in case I will issue 120pcs before production if some of mtl would be damaged or in some reason some additional would be needed, and lets say production actuay used 105pcs, excess of 15pcs would be consumed also even if they were not.


correct. Once the operation is complete it is clearing WIP (which it had prior to the upgrade but still allowed a return) and assumes all material was consumed. We have only used Epicor since 2020 but this has always worked for us prior to this upgrade.

I already reported this as a bug. It is working as designed. This is my case. Submit more cases and reference my case number. We are on prem and found this during testing. I can’t go to 2022 like this.

CS0003332256 - CR2022.2 - WIP Consumed but have material to return

Here are the case details.

We have a situation where WIP has been consumed for a LOT by qty reporting, however there is material to return after the job is complete. It tells us there is not enough in WIP to do the return which is accurate as far as the system is concerned, but that’s not reality. What would be the procedure to get this remaining qty back to the lot?

Hi Joshua,

Thank you for the confirmation.
After doing more research, I was able to find that this has been reported under ERPS-199161. In it, it is explained that there was a change to WIP PCID project, which affects standard WIP functionality. In this case, once the operation is marked as “Complete” the system takes it that all the issued material has been consumed, which is why it no longer shows in WIP. Since there is no more material in WIP, it is not possible to return it and that is why the error shows.
This change was implemented in the latest version, which explains that the error showing is correct.

In this case, if you need to return material, you will need to recall and delete the Labor Transaction, then Return the Material and make a new Labor Transaction with the consumed material.

I am placing this case under the status of Suggested Resolution, pending its verification. This status will give you 4 weeks to test and confirm that everything is correct.
If all good, please do not hesitate to close this case. If you encounter any issue or if you have any questions, feel free to place a comment in this case, so it will get re-activated.


So is ERPS-199161 a jira case for a fix or is this something that won’t be fixed? I guess that part is unclear. If that’s not something that is going to be changed it’s going to wreak havoc on us.

Hi Joshua,

In this case, it will not be fixed as is it not considered a bug but an intended change. It was a change in functionality that took place with the new update, meaning this is how the application now works.

I am placing this case under the status of Suggested Resolution, pending its verification. This status will give you 4 weeks to test and confirm that everything is correct.
If all good, please do not hesitate to close this case. If you encounter any issue or if you have any questions, feel free to place a comment in this case, so it will get re-activated.


Unfortunately we are on it :frowning: I did not catch this in testing as we must not have completed the operation prior to returning material on the test jobs. I have added this to my test plan but doesn’t help me today. Will have to figure out another work around and quick. The jobs are piling up…

I escalated the case they are looking into it further. Right now the workaround is use Return to Salvage to get materials back off the job. Deleting the labor transaction as they stated to me in the case did nothing. I am however still on controlled release I don’t have the latest patch it’s possible they did fix something there. A cloud user would have to delete the labor transaction and see if the WIP shows back up. I very much doubt it will though.

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It does not and that would be a nightmare. We likely will have to use the Return to Salvage as well.

PRB0256925 and development task has been added to my case TASK7211113

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I cannot see it yet as must not be accepted but will keep an eye on it. Joshua, does Job Receipt to Salvage remove the quantity and cost from your job? I am told it does, but I am not experiencing that. For now I am using Quantity Adjust and Job Adjustment. Thank you.

I have no idea we have never used salvage before so I haven’t looked into it much. I did run inventory WIP rec to see if everything hit the right accounts and it looked like it did but I’m not an accountant only dangerous.

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Sharing my ticket:
CS0003332015 - Mtl Return


While there is no response to this ticket I did investigation, and seems some other companies has the same. Found ref ticket CS0003332256. So this is related with PCID enhancement which affects all wip. As from this ref CS0003332256 I understand that epicor dont want to accept this as bug, but from my side I would stand for it as a bug, let me simulate few situations.

If you are producing 100pcs of goods and in best scenario you need 1pcs spacer for calibration for each good, but when we speak about calibration than you can not say that it is a fixed qty, because in some cases you will be needed 2 or even 3 spacers per one good. So what you do, in that case you issue like 150pcs spacers before production and when production finished and you have the fact of usage, you return what left unused back to the stock, like 23pcs of spacers.

Another example:

Lets say you use an oil paste from a bucket, you can never be such precise to predict how much of paste will be used, so you issue hole bucket, and after production place the bucket on scale and you return to stock weight which is displayed on the scale.

Now after this enhancement it is impossible to return because everything what has been issued, epicor consumes. And for us it is a bug.

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We found that same issue. Support is telling me to do a job receipt to salvage to move the material back into stock.

I do not know if salvage would be useful in this case, I think salvage has to be set on on BOM level, or you can return without that? As for me now Return Material function are useless. What if someone made a mistake by manually issuing mtl or I just need to return them back as excess.

Updating with some comment from support:

Yes, I was looking at that case as well,
That was reported yesterday as a new bug with prio 1 and with the same conclusion as yours:

“the new WIP PCID is causing more issues to not PCID users, there should be an option to be selected if you want to use this feature”.

but with different steps (deletion of the labor record).

So I am thinking of submitting another problem report referencing that case you found, and with your scenario with the backflush (and your comments).

and we will try to escalate to the development based on this.

You can return to salvage without anything prior being set up. (@jgiese.wci tested this yesterday while I watched)

If you return it before the operation is completed, then you are ok. But if the operation is completed, it clears WIP and you will have to use return to salvage.

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Good workarounds but hopefully they can squash this bug fairly quickly even for PCID users.

That’s right! Return to Salvage is the wild wild west return to any part you want!