I did a data restore Today from Production to Pilot in Epicor10. as it is a new program for us and we have a multi-company env.
It was strange because the users-companies securities were not exported over for all the companies.
So If my user has access in company 1, 2 and 3 in Production. in Pilot it is showing that I have access only in company 1 in my User Account menu.
How come company 2 and 3 is not showing ??
Check the admin console to see if all your companies are available in your Pilot environment. If they are not, then you will have to add them. We are not multi-company, so we only have the one company listed in the screenshot. You should have more than 1.
I’d have bet dollars to donuts that this info (the companies) is stored in the DB.
Like if you were to restore your EpicorERP DB over the one used by EpicorERPDemo, you wouldn’t need to add your company, and remove the demo comapnies.