REST updating QuoteQty does not update QuoteDtl

I am working on c# code to update the Unit Price on the QuoteQty table for quotations. I have that working well.

However, when I make changes to that field the Expected Unit Price does not change on the QuoteDtl line.

If I do this through the Quote Entry interface it will update the field.

I have also tried updating the SellingExpQty on the QuoteDtl record. This will update but the calculation is not done for the unit price.

Does anyone know how I can use the RestAPI and get this to update?

Are you using OData or Custom Methods.

Following… I have a related problem trying to keep the QuoteDtl.Discount% and QuoteDtl.Discount £amount to remain when the QuoteDtl.SellingExpectedQty is changed, as they currently revert to 0.00 by design, which is driving our sales team nuts.

I have been able to get the % discount to stick thanks to help on the thread, but not the discount amount.

Haven’t tried Rest Api/ C# coding yet.
A uBaq was suggested.

I am using OData.

Hi Jose, I’m using OData.

Which BO service do I need to call to get values from DB.QuoteQty using the REST API v2?
