Hello, I’m trying to update an existing record in UD02 using PATCH. I can successfully do it in swagger, but when I attempt in VS I get the following error:
HttpStatus":400,"ReasonPhrase":"REST API Exception","ErrorMessage":"Request is not supported. Method: PATCH
Here is my code:
JObject ud02Obj = new JObject(
new JProperty("Company", company),
new JProperty("Key1", key1),
new JProperty("Key2", key2),
new JProperty("Key3", key3),
new JProperty("Key4", key4),
new JProperty("Key5", key5),
new JProperty("Character01", character01),
new JProperty("RowMod", rowMod)
var request = new RestRequest("Ice.BO.UD02Svc/UD02s",Method.PATCH);
request.AddObject(ud02Obj, "Company", "Key1" , "Key2", "Key3", "Key4", "Key5", "Character01", "RowMod");
var response = myRestClient.Execute(request);
Am I doing something wrong here? I can retrieve a record just fine.