REST Record Not Available error

Has anyone come across the “record not available” error in REST? No matter what is tried, trying to call the methods OnChangeOfEngineered and GetQuotedInfo keeps on returning the error. Even using the GetByID and taking the return dataset does not work (after adding the necessary parameters).

Here are the bullet points:

  • The trace is being followed exactly.
  • The user that cannot do it in REST can do it in the application.
  • Checked that the default saved Company/Site for the user were correct.
  • Tried turning off the Prevent Changes in Company Config.

I can’t think of anything else to check or try. Any ideas out there?

Are you in the right envionment?

Yes! Good one to check though

What BO are you using? Can we seen some screenshots of request/response

Shoot. I forgot to post the response.

  "HttpStatus": 400,
  "ReasonPhrase": "REST API Exception",
  "ErrorMessage": "Quote Detail record not available.",
  "ErrorType": "Ice.BLException",
  "ErrorDetails": [
      "Message": "Quote Detail record not available.",
      "Type": "Error",
      "Table": "QuoteDtl",
      "Program": "Erp.Services.BO.Quote.dll",
      "Method": "OnChangeofEngineered",
      "ColumnNumber": 17,
      "LineNumber": 18323


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Try putting a "RowMod ": "U" in your QuoteDtl ds

I’m gonna say this until I’m blue in the face too; use functions for this stuff vs. raw BO + REST. They are too chatty and complex datasets, and you can really trim it all down if you use Functions with simplified requests/responses and handle the heavy lifting in the function with widgets

This is for an integration with another application.

Unbelievable! It’s always the little things that get you. The trace does not show any RowMod having a value. Something to note for the future.

Thanks for your help @Aaron_Moreng

Even more reason to use a function!

??? You have lost me. If a third party is building an integration to Epicor, how do you use a function?

If you’re on 600 (maybe it’s on 500?), you will have Epicor Functions available which allow you to expose a completely custom endpoint with custom request/response and handle the heavy BO work inside the function.
If you’re doing raw Epicor REST, you are at the mercy of very complex datasets and poor orchestration methods available. I did an integration just like you did, but if you can, get yourself upgraded and go for gold with functions. It will simplify your integration tenfold

Then the integration touch points are self documented and don’t need to follow whatever epicor is doing internally (you’ll handle that inside your function) and you can have the integration call generic functions you create to activate an orchestrated series of events in Epicor.


Got it. Never thought of that. In the middle of an implementation. Once we clear this and 11 is available, we are going to that.

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