REST not returning same number of rows as BAQ - Anyone know why?

When I run a BAQ in epicor I see it has 4676 results, but when I run the rest call for the baq I only get 3937 rows… does anyone know why that may be?

Check you’re in the same environment.

I am, thank you.

Any filters on the baq, parametrized ones?

Just a filter on company = “our company code.” That is within the BAQ not on the rest call.

It’s funny because I can call the this CustomerSvc Get Rows and I get all of the rows as expected.

var response = EpicorRest.BoGet("Erp.BO.CustomerSvc", "List", dic, callContext);

            //The code above returns an EpicorResponseObject (response) below are some ways to use it

            // Allows you get an individual property from your response using the dynamic object
            int i = 0;
            foreach( var test in response.ResponseData.value)

Just wondering… is this possibly a user permission problem? IF you are querying Sales Data, then the BAQ has additional security applied due to the workforce that is actually running the query. This means that two different people will get two different results.
Sooo… was it the same exact login that ran the query from these two places?


TIM that is what is happening I believe.