I love my team. Start brainstorming something internally on a weekend and get another geek scratching their head and curious, start my morning and see the answer below waiting for me…
Thinking outside the box examples - No warranty - Hack - Don’t yell at me or the company if it doesn’t work
For background, review the REST Overview (REST Overview Novel - Experts' Corner - Epicor User Help Forum)
cURL is a a utility for executing a URL via a command line and transferring data. It makes command line parameters for headers, etc. Spend some time at (https://curl.haxx.se/)
One example of the power of REST with BAQ and a CLI is below.
curl -X GET --header “Accept: application/atom+xml” “https://rm1016-pc0dd37y.americas.epicor.net/Erp10/api/v1/BaqSvc/zSalesOrderStatus/” -u manager:Epicor123
Let’s break this down:
- curl is the open source utility mentioned.
- We are doing a GET so it’s just a file download
- We are asking for xml format “Accept: application/atom+xml”
- The URL is the address from the help page:
*The username and password (oops, my secret identity is out!)
When executed from a command line you get the xml data returned
Now you can start directing responses to a file. How about trying old fashioned redirect:
curl -X GET --header “Accept: application/atom+xml” “https://rm1016-pc0dd37y.americas.epicor.net/Erp10/api/v1/BaqSvc/zSalesOrderStatus/” -u manager:Epicor123 >> output.txt
and you have a dump from the BAQ:
If you want to set it on a schedule to execute?
Spend some time learning the standard tools in the operating system - Windows Task Scheduler