I’m using the /api/v1/Erp.BO.JobEntrySvc/JobEntries endpoint to try and query for all open jobs with $filter=JobComplete eq false . When I hit any endpoint in the JobEntrySvc really, it only returns 100 records.
The real issue here is that when I use $inlinecount=allpages, it always says 100 (even though there are thousands of jobs, and even when I use different filters or orderbys it always says 100, even though it’s returning different datasets), but when I $skip=100 it returns 0 records.
So it seems like something is blocking this service from returning more than the first 100 jobs no matter what, even when I use $skip?
For example JobEntrySvc/JobOpers?$skip=100 returns an empty array, but JobOperSearchSvc/JobOperSearches?$skip=100 returns more records.
Hi Jon (@jgr3go),
You can use the $top parameter to change the number of rows returned in the single query.
/api/v1/Erp.BO.JobEntrySvc/JobEntries?$top=1000 for example.
I’m also seeing an empty result set when using $skip=100 alone. If I use $skip=100 AND $top=100 it returns the next 100 records. I need to read more about OData to understand if this is correct behavior or not.
@Olga THANK YOU! That worked, it was in host.config.
Returning data seems extremely slow, should I open a support ticket? Or a new topic here? Or is there some dumb newbie mistake I should have found in the docs?
This is duration in ms versus number of records. Of course, we shouldn’t need ETQ to return the whole Parts table every time, but it still seems slow: