Rest API Erp.BO.LaborSvc/Labors Help

I am trying to insert a clock in time into the Epicor database using the API Erp.BO.LaborSvc/Labors. I am struggling to get the record I insert to look the same as when added through the Epicor MES. I have it so everything is the same in the LaborHed table except for the columns ClockOutTime, DspClockOutTime, and ActualClockOutTime. The MES puts in 0.00 and empty space and the API is putting in 24.00 for all 3.

I am sending in the input:

“Company”: “XXX”,
“EmployeeNum”: “111”,
“PayrollDate”: “2020-02-18”,
“ClockInDate”: “2020-02-18”,
“ClockInTime”: 7.5,
“ActualClockInTime”: 7.5,
“ClockOutTime”: 0.00,
“ActualClockOutTime”: 0.00,
“DspClockOutTime”: “”,
“PayHours”: 0.00,
“LaborCollection”: true,
“ActiveTrans”: true

Thanks in advance for your help!

Very interesting. Maybe it’s interpreting the 0.00 as midnight? I tried it without the clockout info in the input and it looks to be defaulting to the employee’s shift end time. What’s your end goal for creating a labor head record? If you aren’t going to be clocking in anyone before/ahead of the current time, EmpBasicSvc/ClockIn looks like it creates a record with 0’s in the clockout fields (but it clocks in at current time).

I am looking at the Epicor REST API v.2 Help Page and I do not see any reference to the API EmpBasicSvc/ClockIn? Am I looking in the wrong spot for Epicor APIs?

It’s in the custom methods list:

Maybe I was told the wrong thing. What I am trying to accomplish is to find the APIs that will allow me to clock a user in and out for the day, and to clock in and out of jobs. I was told this was ERP.BO.LaborSvc/Labors that wrote to the LaborHed table. Is this not correct?

It just looks like there are multiple ways you can do this via REST, not sure if one is better than another though.

What way should I use that gets me the zeros in the LaborHed table, like they are through the MES?

The EmpBasicSvc/ClockIn creates the record with zeros. If you run a trace, you can see it calls the same method that’s used for a MES clock in too.