REST Api calls for issuing material

Hi all

I am trying to find a guide on how to issue material to a job from stock in Epicor e10. I want to develop a simple custom application which lets a user submit as per the following screenshot:
To section:

  1. Job number
  2. Assembly seq
  3. Material seq
  4. Warehouse
  5. To Bin
  6. MaterialPartNum
  7. TranQty
  8. Warehouse
  9. Bin

I also would like to display the quantity on the material already issued (I am guessing that this will be done using a separate GET request)

Can this be achieved by only using the POST request:

I called this service:

Passed this as the body:

  "pcTranType": "STK-MTL",
  "pcMtlQueueRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "pCallProcess": "IssueMaterial",
  "ds": {
    "IssueReturn": [
        "Company": "AU6101",
        "TranDate": "2025-02-04T05:38:22.808Z",
        "PartNum": "SSW-06",
        "TranQty": 1,
        "FromWarehouseCode": "190",
        "FromBinNum": "Kanban",
        "ToJobNum": "J091496",
        "ToAssemblySeq": 0,
        "ToJobSeq": 30,
        "ToWarehouseCode": "190",
        "ToBinNum": "A101",
        "TranReference": "string",
        "SerialNoQty": 0,
        "MtlQueueRowId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "TranType": "STK-MTL",
        "FromJobPlant": "GLENDN",
        "ToJobPlant": "GLENDN",

Got this returned from postman

    "parameters": {
        "ds": {
            "IssueReturn": [
                    "Company": "AU6101",
                    "TranDate": "2025-02-04T05:38:22.808Z",
                    "PartNum": "SSW-06",
                    "TranQty": 1.0,
                    "DimCode": "",
                    "LotNum": "",
                    "ReasonCode": "",
                    "OrderNum": 0,
                    "OrderLine": 0,
                    "OrderRel": 0,
                    "FromJobNum": "",
                    "FromAssemblySeq": 0,
                    "FromJobSeq": 0,
                    "FromWarehouseCode": "190",
                    "FromBinNum": "Kanban",
                    "FromJobPartNum": "",
                    "FromAssemblyPartNum": "",
                    "FromJobSeqPartNum": "",
                    "FromJobPartDesc": "",
                    "FromAssemblyPartDesc": "",
                    "FromJobSeqPartDesc": "",
                    "OnHandQty": 0.0,
                    "QtyRequired": 0.0,
                    "QtyPreviouslyIssued": 0.0,
                    "IssuedComplete": false,
                    "ToJobNum": "J091496",
                    "ToAssemblySeq": 0,
                    "ToJobSeq": 30,
                    "ToWarehouseCode": "190",
                    "ToBinNum": "A101",
                    "ToJobPartNum": "",
                    "ToAssemblyPartNum": "",
                    "ToJobSeqPartNum": "",
                    "ToJobPartDesc": "",
                    "ToAssemblyPartDesc": "",
                    "ToJobSeqPartDesc": "",
                    "ReasonType": "",
                    "FromJobPartDescription": "",
                    "FromAssemblyPartDescription": "",
                    "FromJobSeqPartDescription": "",
                    "ToJobPartDescription": "",
                    "ToAssemblyPartDescription": "",
                    "ToJobSeqPartDescription": "",
                    "TranReference": "string",
                    "SerialNoQty": 0,
                    "MtlQueueRowId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "TranType": "STK-MTL",
                    "DimConvFactor": 1.0,
                    "InvAdjReason": "",
                    "DUM": "",
                    "UM": "",
                    "FromJobPlant": "GLENDN",
                    "ToJobPlant": "GLENDN",
                    "DummyKeyField": "",
                    "TreeDisplay": "",
                    "EnableToFields": false,
                    "EnableFromFields": false,
                    "RequirementUOM": "",
                    "RequirementQty": 0.0,
                    "EnableSN": false,
                    "SerialControlPlant": "",
                    "SerialControlPlantIsFromPlt": false,
                    "ProcessID": "",
                    "SerialControlPlant2": "",
                    "TrackDimension": false,
                    "OnHandUM": "",
                    "TranDocTypeID": "",
                    "TFOrdNum": "",
                    "TFOrdLine": 0,
                    "ReassignSNAsm": false,
                    "ReplenishDecreased": false,
                    "EnablePCIDGen": false,
                    "EnablePCIDPrint": false,
                    "Plant": "",
                    "PkgControlID": "",
                    "FromPCID": "",
                    "ToPCID": "",
                    "ToPCIDItemSeq": 0,
                    "FromPCIDItemSeq": 0,
                    "DisablePCIDRelatedFields": false,
                    "PlantConfCtrlEnablePackageControl": false,
                    "EnableToPCID": false,
                    "EnableFromPCID": false,
                    "PkgControlHeaderDeleted": false,
                    "EpicorFSA": false,
                    "AttributeSetID": 0,
                    "AttributeSetShortDescription": "",
                    "AttributeSetDescription": "",
                    "SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "DimCodeDimCodeDescription": "",
                    "FromBinNumDescription": "",
                    "FromWarehouseCodeDescription": "",
                    "LotNumPartLotDescription": "",
                    "PartAttrClassID": "",
                    "PartTrackLots": false,
                    "PartTrackSerialNum": false,
                    "PartTrackDimension": false,
                    "PartSalesUM": "",
                    "PartIUM": "",
                    "PartPricePerCode": "E",
                    "PartSellingFactor": 1.0,
                    "PartPartDescription": "",
                    "ReasonCodeDescription": "",
                    "ToBinNumDescription": "",
                    "ToWarehouseCodeDescription": "",
                    "RowMod": ""
                    "Company": "AU6101",
                    "TranDate": "2025-02-05T00:00:00+11:00",
                    "PartNum": "",
                    "TranQty": 0.0,
                    "DimCode": "",
                    "LotNum": "",
                    "ReasonCode": "",
                    "OrderNum": 0,
                    "OrderLine": 0,
                    "OrderRel": 0,
                    "FromJobNum": "",
                    "FromAssemblySeq": 0,
                    "FromJobSeq": 0,
                    "FromWarehouseCode": "",
                    "FromBinNum": "",
                    "FromJobPartNum": "",
                    "FromAssemblyPartNum": "",
                    "FromJobSeqPartNum": "",
                    "FromJobPartDesc": "",
                    "FromAssemblyPartDesc": "",
                    "FromJobSeqPartDesc": "",
                    "OnHandQty": 0.0,
                    "QtyRequired": 0.0,
                    "QtyPreviouslyIssued": 0.0,
                    "IssuedComplete": false,
                    "ToJobNum": "",
                    "ToAssemblySeq": 0,
                    "ToJobSeq": 0,
                    "ToWarehouseCode": "",
                    "ToBinNum": "",
                    "ToJobPartNum": "",
                    "ToAssemblyPartNum": "",
                    "ToJobSeqPartNum": "",
                    "ToJobPartDesc": "",
                    "ToAssemblyPartDesc": "",
                    "ToJobSeqPartDesc": "",
                    "ReasonType": "",
                    "FromJobPartDescription": "",
                    "FromAssemblyPartDescription": "",
                    "FromJobSeqPartDescription": "",
                    "ToJobPartDescription": "",
                    "ToAssemblyPartDescription": "",
                    "ToJobSeqPartDescription": "",
                    "TranReference": "",
                    "SerialNoQty": 0,
                    "MtlQueueRowId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "TranType": "STK-MTL",
                    "DimConvFactor": 1.0,
                    "InvAdjReason": "",
                    "DUM": "",
                    "UM": "",
                    "FromJobPlant": "GLENDN",
                    "ToJobPlant": "GLENDN",
                    "DummyKeyField": "ParasS5419432756",
                    "TreeDisplay": "",
                    "EnableToFields": true,
                    "EnableFromFields": true,
                    "RequirementUOM": "",
                    "RequirementQty": 0.0,
                    "EnableSN": false,
                    "SerialControlPlant": "",
                    "SerialControlPlantIsFromPlt": false,
                    "ProcessID": "IssueMaterial",
                    "SerialControlPlant2": "",
                    "TrackDimension": false,
                    "OnHandUM": "",
                    "TranDocTypeID": "",
                    "TFOrdNum": "",
                    "TFOrdLine": 0,
                    "ReassignSNAsm": false,
                    "ReplenishDecreased": false,
                    "EnablePCIDGen": false,
                    "EnablePCIDPrint": false,
                    "Plant": "GLENDN",
                    "PkgControlID": "",
                    "FromPCID": "",
                    "ToPCID": "",
                    "ToPCIDItemSeq": 0,
                    "FromPCIDItemSeq": 0,
                    "DisablePCIDRelatedFields": false,
                    "PlantConfCtrlEnablePackageControl": false,
                    "EnableToPCID": false,
                    "EnableFromPCID": false,
                    "PkgControlHeaderDeleted": false,
                    "EpicorFSA": false,
                    "AttributeSetID": 0,
                    "AttributeSetShortDescription": "",
                    "AttributeSetDescription": "",
                    "SysRowID": "71d6f7e0-edee-4910-8543-580bc3834d13",
                    "DimCodeDimCodeDescription": "",
                    "FromBinNumDescription": "",
                    "FromWarehouseCodeDescription": "",
                    "LotNumPartLotDescription": "",
                    "PartAttrClassID": "",
                    "PartTrackLots": false,
                    "PartTrackSerialNum": false,
                    "PartTrackDimension": false,
                    "PartSalesUM": "",
                    "PartIUM": "",
                    "PartPricePerCode": "",
                    "PartSellingFactor": 0.0,
                    "PartPartDescription": "",
                    "ReasonCodeDescription": "",
                    "ToBinNumDescription": "",
                    "ToWarehouseCodeDescription": "",
                    "RowMod": "A"
            "LegalNumGenOpts": [],
            "SelectedSerialNumbers": [],
            "SNFormat": [],
            "ExtensionTables": []

I checked the job tracker and the material was not issued for this part. Didn’t get an error message, what am I doing wrong?

I am guessing the GetNewIssueReturn is the first step in the process and more than likely there is some intermediary steps to alter the returned dataset or it just needs an update. (I see RowMod = “A” there).

Best suggested approach is to go through the process on screen and tracing using the trace, then look at each method that is called and the parameters. Then replicate those steps as requests

The other thing is that it the request may just silently fail and not return and error. You should be able to see those types of errors in the event log or the server log (if it is configured correctly). So you can look there to see if there is anything going on. That is if you have access to the app server to look at them.

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