We are running 8.03.409C. I do recall having issues with scheduling on the ...408 series. I can't say if they were the same as what you are seeing, but we were seeing one area showing one date while another area showed a different date.
Something else you want to make sure you are running is the 'Fill Shop Capacity Records' process, which will keep your load report current.
We saw a number of different issues throughout the 408 series. We have been pretty happy since moving to 409C. Maybe something to consider.
Something else you want to make sure you are running is the 'Fill Shop Capacity Records' process, which will keep your load report current.
We saw a number of different issues throughout the 408 series. We have been pretty happy since moving to 409C. Maybe something to consider.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Virginia Joseph" <vjoseph@...> wrote:
> Hello: We are on 8.03.408 and are having problems with the resource scheduling board showing dates in red signaling that the resources are overloaded when in fact, there is nothing scheduled for those dates. When you run the shop load report, load for those days is 0.00.
> So your scheduling board ends up displaying a group of days where nothing appears to be scheduled but the dates appear in red conveying that those dates are overloaded.
> How is it possible for one tool (scheduling board) to tell you a resource is overload and push out when jobs can be run and a different report tells you that load is 0.00. Does the resource scheduling board pull it's load information from a different table than is used by the shop load report?
> Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any suggestions on how I resolve this issue?
> Thanks,
> Virginia Joseph
> Deep Hole Specialists, LLC
> vjoseph@...