Does anyone have information on how the fields are calculated on the Resource Efficiency Report? I can look at Crystal and see the formulas but I don’t know how they are getting the numbers from the ResEff table.
Here are some notes from an old answerbook 247MPS - for Vantage version 3.
I’ve found these old answerbooks still apply to the later versions for the most part.
For job reports I just replace workcenter with resource group.
Employee Efficiency Report Notes:
If you have employees that are not assigned to a specific department, or perform work at more than one department, the department report totals on the Employee Efficiency Report will not match those on the Work Center Efficiency Report.
The Employee Efficiency Report makes calculations based on the hours posted at the home department and work center, and disregards entries made for the employees when they work in any other department. This may differ from the Work Center Efficiency Report, since it makes calculations based on the actual timecard entries posted to that work center, and totals up all the hours that were worked in that department, regardless of which employees were set up with that department as home.
This section contains some additional notes about the Employee Efficiency Report in the Job Management module.
For each employee, the following totals are calculated from the associated labor detail records (LaborHed) for all payroll dates that fall in the specified date range.
For later calculations, you will need to know the EARNED HOURS for each employee:
- If the labor type = S, Employee Setup Earned Hrs = Labor Detail Earned Hrs
- If the labor type is not S, Employee Prod Earned Hrs = Labor Detail Earned Hrs
- Calculate the Machine Hours Values:
Add the BURDEN HOURS for the following entries:
- Direct hrs (LaborDt.BurdenHours)
- Rework hrs (If LaborDt.Rework = Yes, then add BurdenHours)
- Added Operation hrs (If LaborDtl.AddedOpr = Yes, then add BurdenHours)
- Setup hrs (If LaborDtl.LaborType = S, then add BurdenHours)
( Calculate the Setup Efficiency % = EmpSetUpEarnedHrs / Setup Hrs) * 100) - Production hrs (if LaborDtl.LaborType = P, then add BurdenHours)
( Calculate the Production Efficiency % = EmpProdEarnedHrs / Production Hrs) * 100)
- Calculate Earned Hours
For Production:
If the Run quantity > 0, EarnedHrs = EstProdHours / RunQty x LaborQty
If the Production Stndard is fixed hours: EarnedHrs <= EstSetHours – ActSetHours + SetReworkHours – Burden Hours for this labor detail record.
If the operation quantity = 1: EarnedHrs = Operation Hrs Remaining (EstProdHours - ActProdHours) or Hours Worked (BurdenHrs), whichever is less.
For Setup…
Setup Not Complete: EarnedHrs = EstSetHours x SetupPctComplete or ActSetupHours, whichever is less.
Setup Complete: EarnedHrs = EstSetHours – ActSetHours + SetReworkHours – Burden Hours for this labor detail record.
- Calculate the Labor Hours Values:
Add the LABOR HOURS for the following entries:
- Indirect Hours (if labor type is I) = Labor Hours
- Direct Hours (if labor type <> I) = Labor Hours
- Add the totals for these fields into the department and report totals.
Is this something I can get on the Epicor Web site? I am unsure what answerbooks is.
Yes… EpicWeb - “Search Answerbooks”
And here is the one for WorkCenter Efficiency Report (Resource Groups)
Answerbook 255MPS - Vantage 3 (again)
- If you have employees that are not assigned to a specific department, or perform work at more than one department, the department report totals on the Work Center Efficiency Report will not match those on the Employee Efficiency Report.
Since the Work Center Efficiency Report makes calculations based on the actual timecard entries posted to that work center, this report totals up all the hours that were worked in that department, regardless of which employees were set up with that department as home. This may differ from the Employee Efficiency Report since it makes calculations based on the hours posted at the home department and work center, and disregards entries made for that employee when they work in any other department.
This section contains some additional notes about the Work Center Efficiency report in the Job Management module.
Calculate production days. The efficiencies are calculated based on the number of production days there are according to the production calendar for a given date range. If Vantage cannot find the ProdCal record, an error message will display and the program will close.
Calculate the earned hours. For later calculations, you will need to know the EARNED HOURS at the work center:
- If the labor type = S, WC Earned Hrs = WCSetupEarnedHrs
- If the labor type is not S, WC Earned Hrs = WCProdEarnedHrs
Process the WrkCenter by Company, JCDept, WCCode.
Calculate the Machine Hours Values for each work center. The following totals are calculated from the labor detail records for all payroll dates that fall in the specified date range.
Add the BURDEN HOURS for the following entries:
- Direct hrs
- Rework hrs (if there are rework hours)
- Added Operation hrs (if there are added operations)
- Setup hrs (when labor type is S)
- Production hrs (when labor type is P)
- Calculate the Setup and Production Efficiencies:
- Setup Eff. % = (WCSetupEarnedHrs / Setup Hrs) * 100
- Prod Eff. % = (WCProdEarnHrs / Production Hrs) * 100
- Calculate the Percentages:
- Rework % = (Rework Hrs / Direct Hrs) * 100
- Coverage % = Direct Hrs - (Rework Hrs + Added Operation Hrs) / Direct Hrs
- Efficiency % = ((WCSetupEarned Hours + WC ProdEarnHours) / (Setup + Prod Hrs) / 100
- Performance % = (Efficiency % * Coverage %) / 100
- Utilization % = ((Direct Hrs / (Number of Production Days * (Hrs Per Machine at that work center * Number of Machines at that work center))) * 100). This is a percentage of the actual hours worked/capacity.
- Note: Percentages are always positive. If the calculation results in a negative, set the percent to zero. If percentages are greater than 999.99, set the percent to 999.99.
- Calculate the LABOR HOURS for the following entries:
- Indirect hrs (if labor type is I)
- Direct Labor hrs (if labor type <> I)
- Add the totals for these fields into the department and report totals.
Thank you