Resize tiny text boxes for comments


Does anyone know how to resize the tiny text boxes for comments in Epicor?
I mean it’s an interesting style to fill up 90% of the screen with blank grey space, but in 2019 I really am hoping we can resize a basic text box so I can actually see and work with method instructions?

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Yes this is doable and fairly trivial. What have you tried so far?

so… I am a little new to Epicor, but I was really hoping for a dragable sizing corner in the lower right. Is this something we can turn on?

Sure thing this is pretty trivial with a customization. What’s your technical level?

Sure, I’ll give it a go, I have full rights and play around with some scripts now and then.

You can start with a personalization to, to do that, you don’t need a full blown customization.

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