Requisition Entry

Anyone using Requisition Entry. Im trying to figure out the setup involved to run it and i cant find any documentation on it. Is it an additional module license?

This is what we do. It’s about as basic as it gets, but should be a good starting place for you.
Purchase Requisitions.docx (265.3 KB)

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thank you. that helped alot.

Hi Lacey -

This document is extremely helpful for the process to follow but I have a question. Could you show me how you have the action “Submit Requisition to Buyer” set up? I am having a hard time setting this up so the Req’s will create a PO suggestion…I’m sure I am missing something but I don’t know what. Thanks!

Of course!
(I believe you have to Generate New PO Suggestions after Purchasing has approved the Req… just wanted to make sure you’re doing that in your testing as well)
It’s under Requisition Actions Maintenance and here’s what ours looks like:

We have one other Requisition Action and it looks like this: