I am trying to setup the Requisition Process for purchasing. I was able to setup the approval process and able to get it work through submit to purchasing. I did the next step which was to Generate suggestions but nothing comes up when I select the New PO Suggestions.
I looked online for the steps and it appears to be correct. I just wonder if I am missing a setting somewhere.
You do not need to run Generate suggestions to see new PO suggestions from Requisitions. They automatically appear as new PO suggestion when send to purchasing dispatch occurs. Also, a word of caution, at least in 10.1.600xx, if you delete a PO suggestion from a Requisition, it goes away for good. The system does not remake the suggestion upon next generate suggestions run. We had people not wanting to act on them yet, and deleting them expecting them come back next day, akin to other new PO suggestions. But they do not.
Long story short, I think you have missed something with your dispatch and agree with Josh, let’s see a screenshot of your requisition action/status area:
On the first screen, see the checkbox in the upper right corner? System Default, enable that.
OR search and pull up all the Buyers and find the one that is marked as System Default and add yourself as an Authorized User.
The Buyer that is marked as the ‘System Default’ is the buyer the PO Suggestion will be assigned to if the Requisition’s Part Class is not defined or if the Part Class does not have a Buyer assigned to it.
If your user is added to all the Buyers as Authorized User you will then see all the PO Suggestions.
I added all the buyers and added my test user to all of the buyers. I still cannot bring up the page to authorized the requisition. I click on the function and there is no response from the system as though I don’t have the option.
I’m a bit confused. From prior screenshots you have completed all the Requisition Approval steps, per the Req has a status of ‘Submit To Purchasing.’ That means it is sent to New PO Suggestions for the System Default Buyer.
Of all your Buyer’s do one of them have the highlighted checkbox enabled:
Our send to purchasing req action also has authorized users grayed out. So, I think that means anyone can send to purchasing. Where we have authorized users assigned is on the Approval req action. Another way to see what buyer was assigned to the PO suggestion is to do a BAQ and pull the SugPoDtl data and then ensure to include Req no field and buyer.
A few things to clarify, in addition to my post last night:
There is nothing to do to Send to Purchasing except to approve the prior step, Send to Purchasing is automatic, which is why there is not an authorized user for that step.
At that point a New PO Suggestion is automatically created, no need to run PO Suggestions.
Then go into New PO Suggestions and search (via the Binoculars Toolbar Icon) to pull all the suggestions you have access for into the program. (be sure to change your search options to Return All Rows)
The Search might be what you are missing, and this was just brought up in another post regarding PO Suggestions. It’s not obvious that after opening New PO Suggestions that you have to search and select all the PO Suggestions you want to work with.
I finally got the Approval for each of the steps. But now the approval for the Buyer to convert the requisition into a purchase order is not working. I did the Binolculars Toolbar and none of the requisition we have entered into the test environment appear in the PO Suggestions and if I leave the buyer out I other purchase order information but not the information for the 20 requisitions we have entered.
Is there a setting that would keep the requisitions from displaying.
Lets use a BAQ to confirm what you do an don’t have.
In the BAQ you want to add the ‘SugPODtl’ table.
On that table set the following criteria:
ReqNum > 0
On the Display tab add the following fields:
SugNum, BuyerID, DueDate, ReqNum, ReqLine, Plant
On the Analyze tab, select the ‘Test’ button towards the bottom of the screen.
Please provide a screenshot of the results, if any.
Looks like your BAQ is missing the criteria of ReqNum > 0
Also note that several of the Suggestions do not have a Buyer ID, that’s odd.
I wonder if you have a bug in 9.05.702a.
What does Req 32-49 status and Current Action?