Required by Date Field Within a Job


We currently schedule our required by due dates one week early for the shop floor (manually). We want to have the system create the un-firmed jobs one week earlier than the demand is due to ship. Is there somewhere to make that change within part entry ? We have tried “receive time” but that only affects the start time of the job.

Thank You,

Hi Kevin,

Perhaps our method of getting extra padding in a job for getting shipment together on bigger jobs could help you too. We put a Ship operation with a resource setup with a queue time (120 hrs = 5 days) at the end of the bigger jobs to provide job scheduling 5 days earlier than due date. We don’t actually charge labor to our shipping operation, it is to pad the schedule only.

We are far off from scheduling in the system as we ought, and this certainly may not be the best solution for many, but it has helped us.



Nancy thanks for the information. This is a great way to do it. I did not find any other way.



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You could alternatively use the “receive time” function in Part Entry, it has the same effect as above.

Definition: Days needed to move part to stock or next job. Deducted from Due Date.

The receive time doesn’t only affect the start time of the job. It affects the end time of the final operation but still shows the same job due date, which depending on your goals might be fine.