Reporting Currency - how does system know which Rpt(#) fields to use for a currency?

Hello Everyone,

We are having a problem trying to implement a reporting currency years after the fact - too much data for the add-reporting-currency system process to retro the values, as it hangs for days attempting to process. I know the flag for identifying a reporting currency is in the Currency record. But how does the system know which of the Rpt(#) fields is assigned to it? There must be another setting somewhere that identifies which of the three slots belongs to which reporting currency, I would surmise. Can anyone shed some light? Thanks.

Better late than never right?

If you look at the currency master in the desired company, switch over to list view and you will see a field similar to Report Currency Position - this is the slot #.

You can change this as desired through a process on the actions menu i think - however it must go and update all the records in the system for this stay sync’d.

Here’s a snippet from a write up I did:

Epicor currency configuration:

This configuration is PER company.

Currency definitions include:

  • Company (base) currency
    • This is default currency that is recorded in the company. Think financial records such as TranGLC, etc.
  • Company reporting currencies (can be multiple)
    • This defines all of the currencies that can be converted against. Each of these will store calculated values of order monetary fields on the order\lines (Rpt1XXX, Rpt2XXX)
  • Order currency
    • This defines the currency the order was entered against. For a Canadian customer, they may order things using Canadian Dollars. (On the order, the fields used are DocXXX)
  • Order reporting currencies (can be multiple)
    • Related to the Company reporting currencies -for each reporting currency defined in Company (Currency Master), Epicor automatically converts dollar amounts and stores them as needed.

The base currency is US Dollars (and you can see it is used by the book to record financial transactions).

CAD is listed as a reporting currency, and is currently set as slot 1. (Rpt1OrderAmt for example)

A look into related fields and their differences (all from OrderHed):

OrderAmt – the order amount in the company base currency (USD in this instance)

DocOrderAmt – the order amount in the order currency (can be ANY currency the company supports)

Rpt1OrderAmt – the order amount in report currency slot 1 (CAD in our example above).

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To add to this, we have made improvements to the performance when adding reporting currencies, it still takes time depending on how much data there is but it should not take days, less than 24h for sure if I remember correctly.

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