Report Style's Report Options "File" to network path?


The Report Options textbox allows a directory path for saving a report in PDF format. I can get the file to save to a local path on the application server. Specifying no path at all saves the file in the user’s subfolder in the EpicorData\Reports path. When I try to specify an absolute network path, I get an error. If someone would enlighten me as to the proper syntax to save the documents to a specific shared network path, I would be appreciative. Thanks.

Figured out a workaround. I used MKLINK to create a symbolic link named the same as the ReportID in Style Maintenance in the user report folder, to the network folder I wanted. I send to that folder by using the {ReportId} token in the Report Options of the style. The downside is that the symbolic link must be created in every user’s Epicor report folder, but that can be handled with a scheduled batch script on the Epicor server.

I know this is an older post, but has anyone had any luck sending reports to a network path via the Report Style\Report Options?

We were not able to via the Report Style\Report Options. We did it via a BPM off of SysRptLst ( with Service Connect kicking it off )