Report Style SSRS Routing - Accessing Company Fields

I have a situation in Report Style SSRS Breaking/Routing where I need to access fields in the Company table on my modified POForm report data definition. Actually, fields from the Company_UD table. However, the Company table is not available in the list of tables to insert fields from. In Report Data Definition, the Company table and the affiliated UD fields appear just fine, and they write out to the temporary tables created in SSRS as well. Is there any way to access the Company table in the Report Style SSRS Breaking/Routing? Thanks.

Found it. When you specify the table you’re breaking on, you can’t access fields from any parent tables above it. Grrr.

Bryan, I found your message because I had the same need. @josecgomez and I hacked at it for a bit and we got it to work.

We Deleted the Company Table from the RDD. We then added it back in with a higher table sequence number and created a new Relationship, in my case, from OrderHed to Company. We paste-inserted back in any Calc’d fields the default RDD had and it worked.

I can now use Company.Name in my Breaking/Routing Designer.

Vic, thanks for the head’s-up. I don’t remember at this moment how we worked around the issue but we did find an alternate solution.

I have a similar issue, I am working with PackSlip and added CustCnt table to pull the email address from it but CustCnt table does not appear on my table selection for the Routing Rule, has this happened to anybody else?

Thanks in advance!