I am working through the Education Course on Customizing Standard Epicor SSRS Reports, specifically the sections on creating your own BAQ reports and creating new report styles from scratch. They instruct you to select New Report Style, then report type, data definition and report criteria. Then select Actions -> Create SSRS Report to generate the new report you are creating. But no matter what I do, everything in the Actions menu is grayed out except for Copy Report Style. Am I missing something, how do I get Create SSRS Reports to appear?
You need to set the “SSRS Report Designer” option in User Account Security Maintenance to be able to select the options in the Actions menu.
Yes, found that and I can now select Create SSRS Reports. This must be a new setting in 10.2.300
However I get the following error when try Create SSRS Report.
The operation you are attempting on item '/EpicorLive10/reports/CustomReports/vawCommStmt' is not allowed for this item type. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.WrongItemTypeException: The operation you are attempting on item '/EpicorLive10/reports/CustomReports/vawCommStmt' is not allowed for this item type.
FWIW - I always just create the BAQ Report, and that automatically creates a Report Style and sets all the fields appropriately. My general flow for making a SSRS BAQ Report from scratch, would be:
- Create the BAQ With BAQ designer
- Create the BAQ Report with BAQ Report entry (I try to use the same name for the BAQ and the report). This will create:
a. The Report Style for the BAQ Report
b. A “blank” SSRS report. It will have the dataset structure, but no fields in the body. - Use IE to browse to the SSRS reporting URL, to find the newly created SSRS report (2b above).
- Use IE to launch the SSRS Report Builder
- Edit the SSRS report definition
If I want to put the SSRS report in a different location (it defaults to …Reports\CustomReports), I use Save As in step 5. Then update the report “path” in Report Style Maintenance.
I may go the route you outline, but I cannot bind any other tables to the RDD. Or can I? My BAQ is to list all outstanding commission lines for a selected vendor. This is fine, but I wanted to pull in a another table for our company info to print on the statement, rather than hard coding that data.
BAQ Reports don’t use RDD’s. The BAQ itself becomes the data source.
If you are trying to edit a built-in report (the ones that use RDD’s) the process I outlined does not apply.
Not a built-in report, just wanted to create a report similar to the multi BAQ example in the training docs.
I’m not familiar with this. Is the goal to make a Report that uses two BAQs for the data? That would be above my pay grade
Calvin - It looks like you are on 10.1.400.23, and Mike is on 10.2.300. The older version doesn’t allow for multiple BAQ’s, but the newer version does according to the new training documents that I received from my virtual training yesterday for SSRS using 10.2.300.
To add to the confusion, Epicor Learning Center under Course Catalog, Browse, Tools and Administration, Reporting, Creating BAQ Reports has the old training demo using only 1 BAQ where the SSRS is generated from the BAQ Report Designer, which is then given a path from Report Style, then you would go to Actions “Design SSRS Report”.
Mike - I would go to the online training, if you have access to it, and see if those instructions work for your version.
I am referring to the new training docs in 10.2.300. Clicking Design SSRS Report is generating the error. I am following the training doc step-by-step.
Maybe some of the suggestions in that thread can help you. (They didn’t help me - not that I could try them all)
Edit: by suggestion, I meant the fact that there are two versions of SSRS Report Builder
I have opened a case with Epicor to investigate this error.