We have a user reporting when she prints checks form Epicor they frequently don’t print. I’m looking at the system monitor(show all tasks) and looking for reports from the user reporting the issue to see if it’s a report problem or if the problem is happening down stream from Epicor. Unfortunately system monitor events seem to only go back 5 days and there are no records of this user printing any reports. Is there somewhere else I can look to see logs further back?
Hmmm… I’m not sure there are any other logs that would go farther back for the print task.
A few questions…
AP checks?
Does the user set an archive period when printing?
What does the user do when the checks don’t appear to print?
And wonder if you might glean anything from records, or the CheckHed/APTran tables?
The SysTask table goes back farther, at least mine is going back about 14 days it looks like. You might be able to see one there, and if it errored or not.
You can change retrieval properties in the system monitor to go back further. Open up SysMon, and Actions > Retrieval Properties:
We are trying to recover proof for a batch of checks that were printed with the wrong numbers. The physical copies were shredded, unfortunately, and I am trying to find a way to get the system monitor to go back more than 30 days but it will not go past that. Any suggestions?