Report Location

Where in the server are the reports located?

If I wanted to make a change to one without having to export it and re-import it back in.

They are imported into the Reporting Services instance and at that point, they are more like logical files that are actually records in the Reporting Services database; deployed SSRS reports aren’t files on the file system like Crystal RPTs. They can be located in the root folder specified in your Reporting Service instance’s Report Manager URL:

Based on the screenshot below of the Reporting Services tab of my application server’s configuration, it would be http://vm-cs-s101xxxx/Reports_SQL2014/ and then open the E10DemoDB_10150010 root folder.

I would suggest exporting/importing the SSRS report RDLs via Report Style maintenance if you need to access the actual deployed SSRS RDLs but there are other ways to modify a report without the actual RDL such as using the report builder to connect to the instance and accessing the deployed report directly. That being said, base SSRS shouldn’t be changed as we can overwrite those reports during a patch, so if you need to make a change start by copying the base SSRS report style in Report Style maintenance, and that will create a duplicate copy of the base report that you can then safely modify.

There is information in the built in application help/embedded education courses on those concepts above, but, Support can definitely provide additional guidance/documentation to help as well - just let us know!

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In the report style module, is there a setting we forgot to set, to allow us to import and export reports?

The Actions menu is grayed out.

This is why I wanted to find the place where the reports are, to make changes to them directly.

Which version of Epicor ERP are you currently using?

The Download SSRS Report in Report Styles is available for all SSRS reports, the Upload SSRS Report is only possible for non-system SSRS report styles.

My screenshots below are from an E10.1.500.10 install.

When I try to overwrite a base SSRS report:


The Actions menu is completely grayed out, cannot click on it to select Copy Report Style or Download Report Style.

I remember this happening to me as well. The Action menu would not enable due to a bug. Epicor support showed me a way to access it another way but I cannot find any emails referring to it. I think I spoke to someone on the phone that walked me through it. I would give them a call and they should be able to show you fairly quickly.

likely using our Solution Workbench functionality, which is the only way to do this RDL import/export before Epicor 10.1. Support has a KB article KB0029144 (legacy page number 17721MPS) with steps on how to use the solution workbench and report style (depending on the version) to import/export RDLs.