I am trying to create an report. Currently, the report has been put into the report server by Epicor, I am able to right click on it and click edit. The I add in the guid in the parameters, and I get this error:
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Query execution failed for dataset ‘Company’. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
I have ran the report using the WEEK and not 0 day setting, have verified the shared data is correct, and nothing seems to work. When running the report form the BAQ designer, it works no issues. I only get this error when editing.
Do you mean you’re trying to run the report from within Report Builder? That works with limitations if the report is a single RDS, and will not work if the report uses subreports. It’s a pain, but you have to edit/upload/test.
Yes, that is what I was doing. Is there another way I am not aware of?
Clarification: I am going to the BAQ Designer, putting in the info, running a test report so it creates the rdl in the reportserver. Next I am going to the report server, right clicking, and selecting edit. This opens the report in Report Builder. Finally, I input the guid into the parameters so I can edit and test.
Also, I enable the remote errors and it gave me more data to look at:
The SELECT permission was denied on the object ‘Company_XYZ’, database ‘123456’, schema ‘dbo’.
Query execution failed for dataset ‘Company’. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Sort of guessing here, but… SSRS uses Windows integrated authentication by default. When you run from the BAQ designer, it’s running as the app pool user. When you run it via SSRS, it’s running as you.
Still guessing/trying to remember SSRS (since I’m on cloud now)… but you know how when you click “refresh fields for dataset”, it prompts you for a username/password? Do you get an error if you enter your own credentials, and not get it when you enter the app pool user’s credentials?
I assume the error is coming from SQL Server. I connect to SQL Server with Windows integrated authentication, but I don’t know much about how it handles authorization.
I’m not prompter for a user name or password. Refreshed no issues. I am assuming you are referring to when I am in Report builder; under Dataset properties.