Report Data Definition

Is anyone else having problem adding new tables into the ARForm data definition? We have just switched to (from 10.0.700) and as soon as I add a table (OrderHed link to InvcHed with Company and OrderNum), when I try and print, using the new RDD, I receive error telling me query exceeded 1024 columns. This happens even if I exclude all columns from the newly added table.

Here is the error:

Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask: CREATE VIEW failed because column ‘SignatureText02’ in view ‘RptLabels_C5E65FDD401E4369B120C9CDF6B86292’ exceeds the maximum of 1024 columns.

You’ll need to exclude unneeded columns from the RDD. Giant pain in the rear, but the ARForm is notorious for this.


A related topic

So even once you get the RDD fixed, you may still have issues adding the new fields to the SSRS

I experienced that giant pain in my rear the whole day and night yesterday!! I kept excluding columns I thought are not used and I still got the error. At some point the error changed to missing Calc_… fields where I never excluded a calculated field.

I think I should have clicked on Sync datasets after the exclusions. Something I didn’t do and will have to do today and see if it makes any difference.


When I upgraded to 10.2 from 10.1, I had that issue and wasn’t able to generate invoices for like 3 days, it was horrible. Gives me flashbacks!!

Also; I’ve not heard good things about the Sync dataset function, so might want to read a bit about it before clicking it

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This is what Epicor tells me to do and I am going to do just that today (Exclude field labels and click on dataset sync)

DO NOT EVER CLICK THAT DATASET SYNC BUTTON… EVER! Seriously DON’T… most hatefull little button ever!

even @aidacra will back me up on this ( I think )


Don’t ever is too strong. That button isn’t a magic bullet to getting the one new column you want into the dataset in the RDL–the sync dataset logic is very complex and can sometimes cause unexpected behaviors.

It is generally simpler / better / more optimal from a performance standpoint to manually add the column in the dataset within the RDL than to use the Sync dataset button.

EDIT 1: As an aside, there is a discussion happening right now within Epicor about this functionality, and there are very strong opinions on all sides of the issue–I have very strong opinions about this functionality. Our objective with the sync dataset was pure and good, but, due to the complexity of our report assemblies it isn’t within technical possibility for the sync dataset to do what people think it does/should do with our reports the way they are.

EDIT 2: To paraphrase Joshua 24:15 (speaking for myself), “as for me and my house, we will” manually edit the dataset instead of using the sync dataset button.


Fine I ever is too strong… but seriously don’t :stuck_out_tongue: LoL that button has hurt me deeply in the past :cry:


Thank you! I won’t click on that. already have enough issues to tackle…

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Words that should only ever be spoken as a last resort.

And only done once youve made a copy of the Report Style, and any RDL “files” used by it.


bahaha… I’m reading the word “NEVER” in this… subliminal message LMAO

Might not be your case…

But you cannot exclude a column that is referenced in a table relationship.

So if the original RDD has InvoiceNum as a field, and you add the InvcHead table, linking the InvoiceNum fields, you must still include InvcHead.InvoiceNum, even though it will be a dup of OriginalRddTable.InvoiceNum

Of course!! Everything I do is always on a copied version, both the RDD and RDL files and anything in between.


I wish they would just remove this button. IT really screwed me up this time. So now it is labled NEVER CLICK and disabled.

I hope you changed it’s size and or moved it “off the edge”. Leave it there, but make you have to work for it to use it :wink:

I’ve clicked it by accident when I thought I was on the SSR Break/Routing tab, and meaning to click the “Design” button. Luckily I didn’t mindlessly blow through the warning that pops up when you click “SyncDataset”


A scripture reference nice. Joshua 25:15 is a verse my wife and I live by for our home.

as I am running into what appears to be a similar issue as i have seen in the post and hoping you are someone has an Idea as I have not heard back from Epicor on this

Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask:
System.ArgumentException: Column ‘Calc_DspDocLineTax’ does not belong to table InvcDtl.

I do not see that field in the RDD that field I did not see in our old version or new one. Any thoughts on this?

This is the last post I’ll necro I swear! …just doing the top search results for the issue.

I fell into the trap of providing the same intuitive advice as the others here on another post without truly investigating AR Invoice. There appears to be an oversight / (possible enhancement opportunity) related to AR Invoice CSF I mention here:

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