Report Builder Question

Hello all
Quick question for the guru's. I want to do a report that would list the all
diffrenent raw material used for a particular customer and qty on hand since
we backflush all material for this customer (its customer supplied). My
thinking is that i would have to tie orderhead to jobdtl or something like
that. Anyway if I knew i wouldn't be here.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hello all
Quick question for the guru's. I want to do a report that would list the all
diffrenent raw material used for a particular customer and qty on hand since
we backflush all material for this customer (its customer supplied). My
thinking is that i would have to tie orderhead to jobdtl or something like
that. Anyway if I knew i wouldn't be here.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Has anyone out there built a Customer Sales Report that is by ship to
not sold to? I would appreciate any help if you have designed a similar
report. I have not been able to get my joins correct. I have been
trying various combinations of InvcHead to ShipTo. Also, InvcHead to
InvcDtl, InvcDtl to ShipDtl, ShipDtl to ShipTo.

Thank you in advance,

Juliet Martin
Rosenboom Machine & Tool, Inc.
1530 Western Avenue
Sheldon, IA 51201
712-324-4854 <>
jmartin@... <mailto:jmartin@...>
Hi Everyone,

We have written a report that show total vendor purchases for a year. We
would like to sort this report by this total amount to see who we spend the
most dollars with. We can't get the "aggregate" field to sort. I am sure
that it is something simple, but we haven't figured it out. Your help is
greatley appreciated.

Jeff Kelly
Youngberg Industries, Inc.
I am writing a program in Report Builder. I need the program to give me
that LAST instance a part was sold. I can get it to bring up ALL of them,
but I only want the last one, no matter when it was sold. Can anyone help


If you have a group defined as part#. You have a group footer line for the
part#. You can do a aggregate calculation on the invoice date or ship date
depending on what record you are using. The aggregate type will be maximum,
reset by part#, accumulation is every composite, and processing is pre-pass.
Then have the report print only the group lines suppressing the record
lines. Move the fields or copy the fields you want to print to the group

Jim Frice

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dean Brown, Jr. [mailto:dbrownjr@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 12:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder Question
> I am writing a program in Report Builder. I need the program to give me
> that LAST instance a part was sold. I can get it to bring up ALL of them,
> but I only want the last one, no matter when it was sold. Can anyone help
> me?
> Dean
Hello all,
Guru's out there i have a question. How can you make zero qty's in inventory
appear on a report. I have a report that lists all the materials for a
specific job. It lists the on hand qty's in inventory the part name
description, etc... However when I run the dang thing the zero qty items do
not appear???? Is there a way i can tell this thing to print these records
even though the ohqty is 0?

Any help is appreciated

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The boss wants me to create a report simular to the Shop Load
Report, but to also include showing if the material has been
received or not. They do not want to use the Priority Dispatch
Report <sigh>.

I've set the JobOper as the primary table, and have set the
WCCode as the primary sort (and group), and the LoadDate as the
secondary sort. Filtering out the completed jobs and completed
operations (and all workcenters not applicable) gives me something
close to the initial data as deplicted in the Shop Load Report (give
or take some formating). But, determining if the material is here is
proving to be more difficult.

Since we do so many different jobs with different methods, I'm
having difficulty coming up with a way to report this. There may be
anywhere from zero to multiple lines in the material requirements, so
I can't use that. In addition, if Vantage says that we need 12.6 feet
of material (accounting for our scrap rate), and we only get 12 feet
'knowing' that it's really enough, but not updating the job (I know, I
know), we can't use that either.

One option would to 'always' have, say, Operation #10 as 'Receive
Material'. As I step through the open jobs and open operations,
how can I 'look back' into a different operation #?

Another option would be to "assume" that if the prior opp had been
completed, the material is here. How can I determine the number of
the prior operation? I can't assume that it's the current opp number
minus 10, it may have been added to the job after the fact, such as
opp #25. Even if I could determine the prior op #, I'm still stuck
'looking back'.

In a programing language, it would look 'something' like:

If ((JobNum = JobNum()) and (OprSeq = 10) and (OpComplete =
.T.) then .......

I don't see that capability in Report Builder. I can analize the
"curent" record, but I can't go look at another specific record, and
still keep my place in the sort.

I really don't want to do another Group on the Job Number,
memorizing the status of Op #10, but only printing the first non-
complete record (and somehow skipping the remaining records,
*especially* any of the remaining records need to be displayed
later). Yech ....

Any help?

Thanks in advance !!

Malcolm Spann
Malmberg Engineering
(925) 606-6500 x19
(925) 606-6505 FAX
You can look for the prior operation if you create a variable which is equal
to the operation sequence then subtract 10 from it. Use this variable in a
join back to the JobOpr table creating an alias name for the table like
JobOpr2. The negative's are you miss added operations (025) so you will need
another report to pick these up, also you can not remove holidays from the
shop load. The positives are you can include priority dispatch information
on the shop load report, relieve work done on operations with your own
formula, create messages on the report like, "Job has started.", "Job setup
time is over estimated.", etc...
I also do a version linking to JobMtl, I have one material item (wire which
we make fasteners out of) and you are right, you need to have that material
linked to the job sequence number it is used on and include this in the
table join otherwise you will get a very slow report. We should shoot the
developer who designed the Production Calendar (ProdCal) by putting an array
in one of the tables fields, it is impossible to link to with report
builder. You would think that we learned a lesson from doing this to the
salesrep field in order entry. By the way if I could link to the production
calendar (ProdCal) I would then subtract out holidays reducing the weekly
buckets total available hours for Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc...

Merry Christmas

Patrick J. Winter
Information Services Manager
sSc Specialty Screw Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Spann [mailto:Malcolm@...]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 06:45 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder Question

The boss wants me to create a report simular to the Shop Load
Report, but to also include showing if the material has been
received or not. They do not want to use the Priority Dispatch
Report <sigh>.

I've set the JobOper as the primary table, and have set the
WCCode as the primary sort (and group), and the LoadDate as the
secondary sort. Filtering out the completed jobs and completed
operations (and all workcenters not applicable) gives me something
close to the initial data as deplicted in the Shop Load Report (give
or take some formating). But, determining if the material is here is
proving to be more difficult.

One option would to 'always' have, say, Operation #10 as 'Receive
Material'. As I step through the open jobs and open operations,
how can I 'look back' into a different operation #?

Another option would be to "assume" that if the prior opp had been
completed, the material is here. How can I determine the number of
the prior operation? I can't assume that it's the current opp number
minus 10, it may have been added to the job after the fact, such as
opp #25. Even if I could determine the prior op #, I'm still stuck
'looking back'.

In a programing language, it would look 'something' like:

If ((JobNum = JobNum()) and (OprSeq = 10) and (OpComplete =
.T.) then .......

I don't see that capability in Report Builder. I can analize the
"curent" record, but I can't go look at another specific record, and
still keep my place in the sort.

I really don't want to do another Group on the Job Number,
memorizing the status of Op #10, but only printing the first non-
complete record (and somehow skipping the remaining records,
*especially* any of the remaining records need to be displayed
later). Yech ....

Any help?

Thanks in advance !!

Malcolm Spann
Malmberg Engineering
(925) 606-6500 x19
(925) 606-6505 FAX
We are on Vantage 3.0 Progress 8.3A. We are new to report builder
and after downloading a report off the egroup cannot connect to the

In connect Database, there are several options that need to be
completed. Where do you get the informaton to complete such things
as Service Name, Host Name, Password, User ID, Trigger Location,
Parameter File, Physical Name and Logical Name? Network is TCP.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Jeni Wilson
Boyer Machine & Tool Co., Inc.
Columbus, IN
(812) 379-9581
Fill in as follows:

Service Name: vntgserv (the name of the service that Vantage uses)
Host Name: Type in your server name
Trigger Location: LEAVE BLANK
Parameter File: LEAVE BLANK
Physical Name: V:\VANTAGE\Db\dcdv7.db (where V is your drive mapped to the
dwc on the server and dcdv7 is the name of the database)
Logical Name: LEAVE BLANK
Network is TCP: Choose TCP from the drop-down list
Sarah has you covered on the connection options for the report, Jeni.
However, make sure that you check the report filters once you get the report
opened (typically, there will be a filter on company name or other things
that are unique to the company that posted the report). In report builder
the filters are found under the funnel icon.

Good luck!

Kenneth E. Urban
Manager, Information Systems & Technology
Major Industries, Inc.
7120 Stewart Avenue
Wausau, WI 54401
(715) 842-4616 voice

-----Original Message-----
From: jeniwilson@... [mailto:jeniwilson@...]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:29 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder Question

We are on Vantage 3.0 Progress 8.3A. We are new to report builder
and after downloading a report off the egroup cannot connect to the

In connect Database, there are several options that need to be
completed. Where do you get the informaton to complete such things
as Service Name, Host Name, Password, User ID, Trigger Location,
Parameter File, Physical Name and Logical Name? Network is TCP.
At 03:28 PM 10/17/2000 , you wrote:
>We are on Vantage 3.0 Progress 8.3A. We are new to report builder
>and after downloading a report off the egroup cannot connect to the
>Database, ... the informaton to complete such things
>as Service Name

vntgserv for 3.0, vantage for 4.0

>Host Name

Name of your server on the network, no default. Look under network
neighborhood for clues.

>Password, User ID, Trigger Location, Parameter File,

leave 'em blank

>Physical Name

DCDV7.DB You don't really need to give it a full path, since you're
accessing it via the server. But if you do, it probably needs to be
valid. V:\Vantage\DB\DCDV7.DB would be typical.

Make sure to click the "Multiple Users" box ON.

>and Logical Name? Network is TCP.


Make sure to click "Save" once your in there, so you don't have to do it
all over. If there are multiple reports in the library file, you need to
do this for each one.

It must be the oppressive heat and too large a lunch, but I'm drawing a
blank on creating an aggregate sub-total field of a calculated field based
upon Part Class. What I'm attempting is a weekly snap shot of Purchasing
drawing my information from:

I'm calculating Order_Line_Amount with the expression
PODetail.UnitCost * PODetail.OrderQty = OrdLnAmt(Calculated_Named_Field)

This I can aggregate easily for a Total Purchase Amount for the given date
range... what I would now like to do is sub-total based upon PODetail.Class
so that I can see Total Purchase Amounts for my purchases classified as

If anyone has a clue I could use a few! ;)

Thanks in advance, Lee

E. Lee Ingalls III
Commercial Tool & Die Inc.
(p)616.785.8100 (f)616.785.8120
Fortitudine Vincimus: “by Endurance we conquer.”
What you probably want to do is group by part class, and create the
calculated field

OrderLineAmount which will include the statement
PODetail.UnitCost * PODetail.OrderQty

Now create an aggregate field that resets based on part class, that is a
total of the OrderLineAmount field

Place the aggregate field in the part class group footer, and you should be
on your way.

the line:

PODetail.UnitCost * PODetail.OrderQty = OrdLnAmt(Calculated_Named_Field)

Is probably going to return only a true or false value. True if the two
statements are equal to each other, and false if they aren't.

Let me know if you have any more questions,


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Ingalls [mailto:eli3@...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 10:51 AM
To: 'Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder Question

It must be the oppressive heat and too large a lunch, but I'm drawing a
blank on creating an aggregate sub-total field of a calculated field based
upon Part Class. What I'm attempting is a weekly snap shot of Purchasing
drawing my information from:

I'm calculating Order_Line_Amount with the expression
PODetail.UnitCost * PODetail.OrderQty = OrdLnAmt(Calculated_Named_Field)

This I can aggregate easily for a Total Purchase Amount for the given date
range... what I would now like to do is sub-total based upon PODetail.Class
so that I can see Total Purchase Amounts for my purchases classified as

If anyone has a clue I could use a few! ;)

Thanks in advance, Lee

E. Lee Ingalls III
Commercial Tool & Die Inc.
(p)616.785.8100 (f)616.785.8120
Fortitudine Vincimus: "by Endurance we conquer."

To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have already
linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
I would like the date of the last sale to print on a report builder report.

I am trying to create a customer report that tells me the last time they
placed an order.

I know how to get it to give me all the dates, I just don't know how to
limit it to only the last date.


De Anna Godfrey
McNeal Ent.
Set up a group on the customer field. Create an aggregate field that is the
'maximum' orderdate. Insert a customer group footer band line. Insert the
customer name and the MaxDate field. Suppress the record lines.

-----Original Message-----
From: De Anna Godfrey [mailto:dgodfrey@...]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 4:12 PM
To: Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder Question

I would like the date of the last sale to print on a report builder report.

I am trying to create a customer report that tells me the last time they
placed an order.

I know how to get it to give me all the dates, I just don't know how to
limit it to only the last date.


De Anna Godfrey
McNeal Ent.

To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have already
linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Make sure your max field resets every cutomer (assuming you've got multiple
customers on this report).
-----Original Message-----
.com]On Behalf Of sarah.vareschi@...
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 3:20 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Report Builder Question

Set up a group on the customer field. Create an aggregate field that is
'maximum' orderdate. Insert a customer group footer band line. Insert
customer name and the MaxDate field. Suppress the record lines.

-----Original Message-----
From: De Anna Godfrey [mailto:dgodfrey@...]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 4:12 PM
To: Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder Question

I would like the date of the last sale to print on a report builder

I am trying to create a customer report that tells me the last time they
placed an order.

I know how to get it to give me all the dates, I just don't know how to
limit it to only the last date.


De Anna Godfrey
McNeal Ent.

To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have
linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have already
linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Thanks that worked for this report. I am trying to take it a step further.
I want to show the corresponding data to the date of the last sale. For
example, the qty, the whse, the bin, etc. I put those fields in the
customer group footer but I do not get the corresponding data.


De Anna

Message: 9
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 16:19:49 -0400
From: sarah.vareschi@...
Subject: RE: Report Builder Question

Set up a group on the customer field. Create an aggregate field that is the
'maximum' orderdate. Insert a customer group footer band line. Insert the
customer name and the MaxDate field. Suppress the record lines.

-----Original Message-----
From: De Anna Godfrey [mailto:dgodfrey@...]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 4:12 PM
To: Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder Question

I would like the date of the last sale to print on a report builder report.

I am trying to create a customer report that tells me the last time they
placed an order.

I know how to get it to give me all the dates, I just don't know how to
limit it to only the last date.


De Anna Godfrey
McNeal Ent.
I'm guessing that you're already grouping by customer.
Within the customer group, you'll want to group by order date, in descending
you'll want to conditionally suppress the record line bassed on the formula

previous(customer.custnum) = customer.custnum

set it to print the line only when this statement is false.

this way, the first date record (the most recent) prints first, and all the
others are suppressed.

Best Regards,

Thaddeus Jacobs
Assistant LAN Technologist / Vantage Support
Kinematic Automation, Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: De Anna Godfrey [mailto:dgodfrey@...]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 3:12 PM
To: Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder Question

I would like the date of the last sale to print on a report builder report.

I am trying to create a customer report that tells me the last time they
placed an order.

I know how to get it to give me all the dates, I just don't know how to
limit it to only the last date.


De Anna Godfrey
McNeal Ent.

To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have already
linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to