I skipped the Alloc. Quantity approach to finding obsolete inventory in our case (version 3) because it wasn't accurate for us to determine obsolete inventory. So I went to a concept our controller came up with whereby we looked for parts that had no transactions against them over a certain period of time (like 9 months or something). We excluded certain transactions like adj-stk and the like. Crystal was the only way I could get it close.
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Clauser
To: vantage@egroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Report Builder guidance
Could someone please steer me in the right direction? I'm getting
cross-eyed looking at the same thing over and over but can't get my head
around it.
I want a simple report that shows the total stock balance by part number
that also shows the total allocated requirements for each part. The idea is
to identify parts that are potentially obsolete by filtering for balances
with no allocations. I had something that I thought worked O.K. in version
3.0 when the AllocQty was in one table. In version 4.0 there is an AllocQty
in both the PartPlant table and the PartWhse table. (BTW - we build
practically everything to stock)
I can't seem to figure out how to get the links right so I can subtotal by
part. Multiple bins and having the AllocQty in two tables is causing
duplication. As a result I'm getting way too frustrated for it to be only
Thursday. HELP
Greg Clauser
Lakin General Corporation
gclauser@... <mailto:gclauser@...>
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