When using the Replenishment workbench (RWB), it tends to not capture everything (manual kanban) unless we check include above maximum. A part can be with no demand and below minimum and it won’t pull into the RWB unless checked. The next part that is set the same way will pull with it unchecked. What could we be missing in the setup? The parts appear to be setup the same to me.
I figured out the solution. The material queue on certain parts build and never clearing out. I cleared one part manually and it works now. What in the setup would cause this?
Also is there a way to view the code that takes place in the rwb?
I have tracked this back to a broken customization in po entry that leaves material in process in the material move queue preventing RWB from pulling the parts in.
Now that I know what’s causing it, how do I clear the mtl queue manager without having an effect on inventory and availability?