Reorder-Resequencing Quote Lines - deleted lines aren't able to be renumbered

Multiple issues surrounding the inability to Reorder quote lines.

Has anyone found an easy way to reorder/re-sequence quote lines? It is very common for our salesforce to make line adjustments or changes at the quote level. They frequently have to add and adjust quote lines in our current system so corresponding parts display consecutively on the quote form sent to the customer - sometimes we don’t have all the lines at any given time and reordering is necessary.

It seems that I am able to copy a specific line and paste it at the bottom of the list, but when I delete the original line that I copied, the line quote does not adjust and is not sequential (this will create questions from our customers as to why there is a line missing…). Is there a way at the quote level we can re-sequence so it shows the proper order? I understand it does adjust the line numbers once the sales order is created.

There are multiple conversations here on epiusers about this with non-kinetic versions, that have some or little bearing.

If the answer to this is, as I guess, not easy - I’ll make another Epi Idea about it…

TIA all.

The only way I’ve seen this done is by adding a UD field (quoteSeq_c for example) and then modify the Quote Form to display that number instead of the internal line numbers.


Thank you for that suggestion. This would create other issues for us, but it’s def. a creative solution.

Oh, yes. There are problems with matching lines when winning a quote for example.

The other option, start a new quote.

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And, if I recall correctly, the issue with renumbering might have been with Product Configurators or Sales Orders that might already have a reference to that Quote Line number.

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Ability to renumber quote lines | Epicor Kinetic Ideas Portal (