Reopen Order Line in PO Entry Permission

In PO Entry have Reopen Order Line menu then is it only Security Manager that can access it? If yes, how to add another user that does not have Security Manager?

Tony, you need to have an Authorized User added to the buyer record in the Buyer setup. So, when that Authorized User tries to change a PO for the Buyer they are authorized to, the system will let it happen.


Hi Rick,

I already checked that the user in authorized user of buyer on the PO. But it still cannot reopen PO Line. Anything else need to be checked?

The PO itself must be open before lines can be re-opened. And a line must be open before it’s releases can be re-opened

@ckrusen The PO is open and the user cannot reopen the line, if the user assigned to security manager, she can be reopen the line.

Did you check the Process Security Maintenance for process ID bo.PO?

And Field Security Maintenance for ERP.PODetail?

if you use security groups, do other users with the same groups have the issue?
Note that being a Security Manager overrides all group and security settings.

Is it any closed PO line? Or just on this specific PO?

If just the PO, was there anything special about the receipt? Arrived but not received, or inspection required?

Thanks for you valuable responses @ckrusen. I rechecked again and then the PO Line is closed. Also good to know about Security Maintenance and Field Security Maintenance.