We subscribe to the Print Routing extension so that we can arrange automatic emailing of documents such as invoices/ purchase orders. It has been with us for a nearly a year and our user continue to accidentally re-send invoices/POs to our customers/ suppliers.
One reason for this is the overlooking of the checkbox that comes up when printing a document. The checkbox ‘Routing’ comes up and can be default checked dependant on the template. Instead of ‘Routing’ I want this text to say ‘Email direct?’ Or something that would flag that this box has a function that would send the document off to the stakeholder.
The only way you would be able to change that is to use Language Maintenance and modify let’s say the enu language file, find Routing in it and modify it. However then anyone logging in first time would download the modified language xml (automatically).
If you are on-prem you can find the translation text in
SELECT * FROM Ice.LangOrg WHERE OrgText = 'Routing';
We had this issue in the past and ended up creating two versions of the report, i.e. ‘ARInvoice’ and ‘ARInvoice-AUTO’.
We set the ARInvoice-AUTO as the version to use in Advanced Print Management with the print routing enabled. For us, this was was triggered when we posted the invoiced group.
We then disabled the print routing for ARInvoice and set it as the default report, meaning if anyone tried to print a one off copy from a tracker or entry screen, by default it wasn’t sent to the customer/supplier etc.
The obvious issue is maintaining two versions of those documents, and in the end we went back to one version because of this. But if you don’t change the report often it could be another approach for you?
Its a while back now and others here on the forum may have reasons why this isn’t a good idea, but it worked well for users (not admins) when we did it, from memory.
For how many people desire to have the routing off by default, you would think there would be more votes on this idea. Should be very quick fix to switch the default from on to off, or a little more time investment to make it configurable. https://epicor.ideas.aha.io/ideas/KIN-I-4005