Renaming and deleting Form Customizations


We have a multi-company Epicor environment. To this point in time, we have one main company where Epicor is used to a good amount of its capabilities, Sales/Inventory/Jobs/AP/AR/Etc. The other companies we currently have are mostly for accounting purposes. We have roughly 30 form customizations ranging from simple to moderately complex. We have not had a tight naming convention nor a consistent company assignment for these. Meaning if a form customization was (or was not) assigned to a specific company, it really did not matter b/c the other companies were not using those areas of Epicor.

We are in the midst of adding another company to Epicor that will be using all of the same capabilities as our main company currently does. We have a plan to do the following.

  1. Export all Form Customizations
  2. Remove them all from Customizaton Maintenance.
  3. Rename them with a standard naming convention.
    a. We will be making duplicates for the individual companies.
  4. Import them back in and assign them to each company individually.

We are working in Test environments to this point. But, we are looking to find out what we should be aware of when we do this in LIVE.

  1. What will happen to users’s personalizations? Should we remove all of these as well?
  2. What files should be cleaned off the clients?
  3. Is the above plan viable?

When/If we do this in LIVE, we will stage things and do a small amount per week until we get a feel for the impact on the end users.

Any input is much appreciated.

I would also think about your security group naming as well.

Personalizations don’t survive well with customization changes, even plain upgrades, generally.

Many recommend keeping all customizations in one company and then allow them for the other companies. It makes tracking development easier if it’s all in one place. YMMV.


Thanks Mark…

We would want to keep one set of customizations if possible, but the way the two companies we are working with do business in different ways. There will be a little cross-pollination of identical form customizations, but there will many instances where seprerate customizations for each company are needed. Duplicating them and assigning them individually is the only way I think we can proceeed. Unless we’re missing something or someone knows of a better method.

We will definitely check out the security group naming as well… great heads up.

Appreciate your input.

We just don’t add the Customization to the Menu in the Main company. :wink: