Remove AP invoice from batch

Help! we are doing our first check run and have printed, but not posted a batch. Due to a printer glitch, we have to void about 1/3 of the checks. so we need to be able to remove them from the batch, but leave the others in to be posted.

We have tried selecting and then deleting but that doesn’t work.

We tried to mass delete the batch, but once printed, they can’t be deleted. We tried voiding them (using the Void checkbox in the list view of a batch).

How do we do this?


If Actions -> Reset Process Payments is unavailable you’ll have to call support for a data fix.

Thanks will check. Did not see that, but maybe did not look closely enough.

Hello Theodore,

So how does the reset process payment work? What is the fields that have to be filled for restart payment process. Is it only putting in the last check that successfully printed?

Thank you.


Reset Process Payment will clear the Check number and you should be able to re-generate new numbers…

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Thank you, just what I needed.