Thanks for the info on the Riverbed devices. I'm going to check those out as I'm sure I'll need all the speed I can get for other apps.
--- In, Joe Luster <jluster@...> wrote:
> We run Vantage over MPLS and Internet IPSec VPNs right on the desktop. The Internet VPNs have a few users at each remote location (4-5). We use Riverbed WAN accelerators and they optimize the traffic to port 8301 by 90%. That means if you send 10MB of information back and forth between the client and Vantage normally, the Riverbeds make it so that only 1MB of information is send across the WAN! You have to adjust the connection timeouts in you IPSec VPN devices though. We use SonicWALLs for our IPSec VPNs. The Riverbeds also optimize CIFS traffic and Printing traffic. It is actually faster to run Vantage on the client desktops at these locations rather than running them on Terminal Server!
> Joe Luster
> Network Administrator
> Cold Jet, LLC
> 455 Wards Corner Road
> Loveland, Ohio 45140
> +1 513-831-3211 x308 (office)
> +1 513-831-1209 (fax)
> [cid:image001.jpg@...]
> Setting industry standards in dry ice technology and solutions for over 20 years.
> From: [] On Behalf Of David G
> Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 3:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Remote Offices
> We will be running Epicor 9 soon and we just learned that we will be adding a remote office in the near future. The Epicor 9 server will be in Wisconsin and the remote office is in Texas. It sounds like there might 3 or so users in Texas that will need to access Vantage. What are my options beside using terminal servers for this.
> Thanks.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]