Remote Desktop In Azure Cache/Client Issues

Hello all,

We have recently begun our move to Azure and are getting users on at this point. While on the app server itself speeds are similar or better than our old environment which is expected but once we get on the RDS server the client takes about 2-3 times longer and typing information into fields takes seconds for the keys to show up. Searches will also take long upon initial login but will somewhat get better over time.

Another interesting thing I am seeing is that our forms, mostly the custom ones, are downloading and caching every time someone opens them. We ran all the config check and network diagnostics required by Epicor and seem to be at a standstill right now.

I have tested both 10.1.400.38 and and the results are roughly the same across the board. I know this is going to take quite a bit more troubleshooting but would like to know if anyone else has run into similar issues in azure or in RDS and has some direction they followed.

Thank you


We ran Single Tenant in the Cloud and had a similar setup with the Terminal Server. Over time, we found that running an HTTPS endpoint and using the Smart Client locally “felt” much faster. There is no lag while typing since all input is local.

In 10.2.200, we also see the repeated downloading and caching of forms that we didn’t see in 10.0.700.

Mark W.

I will have to look into that. At this point we just need to get the user experience tolerable.


Our users would never go back to RDS. There’s no lag, they could easily use all of their screens, and they rarely feel a dropout with all of the screen freezing, etc. Also, local printing works well.

Mark W.

We were using Citrix in our old environment but with the licensing changes the costs tripled. This was part of the move to RDS.

At this point we might look into Awingu as they offer a similar package to Citrix at a fraction of the cost.

We currently push our Epicor app out via Remote App, we’ve always seen the “caching form” etc when opening menus.

I’d be interested in improving the efficiency of the app for our users. It seems a local client install is much worse than the Remote Application.

Hasn’t Remote App been dropped by Microsoft for Citrix? I would hate to have to start giving them money again after we just moved from them.