Regen Data Model Times

What times have people here seen for how long it takes to Generate the Data Model? I followed best practices (mostly) and stopped the app pool, (I forgot to stop the task agent). Went to generate the data model and it has been going for almost 40 minutes now. I only added one field to a table that already had a UD table (Part_UD). I wish there was a progress bar of some sort that would tell you how much it had left.

2-10 minutes. Sure the data model complete box isn’t hiding behind another window? The regen box green line keeps scrolling until you close the complete pop up.


The only window it lets me move is the Work in Progress window. I did do a ALT TAB to see if there are any other windows open and there are not

We’ve had this happen sometimes particularly if you have replication it can take a while never more than 40-50 mins though

That complete window does hide sometimes behind


I let this run for about an hour and a half before I killed it. Checked the table I added the field to and nothing changed there.

This is for side work I sometimes do, so I have asked the IT people there if they ever re-indexed the DB, and/or do a reboot on the SQL server so I can try again this weekend.