Refresh Part Quantities and Allocations process...but for parts without stock

We’ve run into an issue (and I see we’re not the only ones) where the Total Demand listed in Part Tracker (from the PartWhse table) doesn’t match the expected total demand we see in Time Phase.

Refresh Part Quantities and Allocations fixes the issue, but it appears it can only find parts that have inventory on hand. I have over 1000 parts that are out of sync with no on hand inventory (both stock and nonstock parts). I have a case open with Epicor where they offered me a different fix if I gave them the list of parts that are out of sync and the demand quantity breakdowns for each part, however I’m concerned these numbers will change during the turn-around time of Epicor getting me a fix. I much prefer something that calculates in the moment.

Has anyone else run into this issue? If so, how did you fix the parts that didn’t have an on hand quantity?


I am experiencing this to, did you ever find a resolution?

Hi Darius - after going back and forth with Epicor, this is a summary of what we learned:

  1. Various transactions in Epicor can cause Time Phase/Site/WarehouseDemand to become out of sync. Epicor provided two fixes that can be run periodically to clean these up (one that updates PartPlant (FX_Upd_PartPlant_DemandQtys) and one that updates PartDtl (FX_DeletePartDtl))
  2. There is a process called Refresh Part Quantities and Allocations (which is in the Epicor menu) that can periodically be run to help keep things in sync. Ideally you would run this on an off-time when no one else is in the system.
  3. Epicor further clarified that nonstock parts will not show a warehouse demand and order releases that are marked “make direct” will also not show demand in part tracker.
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