References Dialog Speedup - Works -> (Need a ̶C̶l̶o̶u̶d̶ Guinea Pig) :dumpster_fire:

I need a Guinea Pig that is in cloud (on-prem works too) to test something for me.

When adding references, ie, in Functions, BPMs, etc, the list loads painfully slow.

Looking at it, it calls Ice.BO.BpMethod.GetPagedAvailableReferences,

with a page size of 5. It returns a json list of 5 references, for hundreds of calls.

I made a Preprocessing BPM on Ice.BO.BpMethod.GetPagedAvailableReferences

with only the content in custom code of: pageSize = 5000; to force it to return everything at once.

It’s blazing fast, even after client restart.

I’d like someone who hasn’t opened up a references panel today to do the same and share their

Edit: Seems like it works well. I set it to a more conservative pagesize of 500 and it seems
just as fast.

Edit2: After some thoroughly unscientific testing after clearing the cache, I think the magic number is pageSize = 1000;


Why you laughing @Olga? :exploding_head:

Or :popcorn:

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I think after client restart you start over for sure, so you tested it

We’ll I’m assuming I did, but you know what they say…

I’m not privy to whatever kind of caching information is really on either end, so I
just wanted to confirm if the results are consistent.

I wonder how much memory and bandwidth it takes. If there is a problem with it…

I dunno, haven’t got that far.

5000 is probably not an appropriate number, but it sure isn’t 5 !

Maybe, i did not write it.


Yes, I’ve been told I know just enough to get me in trouble…

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Sending a filter to the server would also be an improvement. Instead of sending all quickly, just return a subset. Just a thought. :thinking:

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I’m not cloud, but I tried it on our upgrade test that I just created and it is MUCH faster than waiting for it to populate 1 by 1…

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I’m going to experiment with page size.

I haven’t seen any issue with 5000, but it doesn’t mean I won’t.

I was hoping non-cloud would try as well, but I didn’t really know how fast on-prem
was loading in the first place. Nice to know it sucks there too :slight_smile:

It’s slow but not nearly as slow as cloud…

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Hell now it loads in 1-2 seconds.

Down from 3 minutes.

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Changed it to 500. Still just as fast.

I absolutely despise how slow it is, if this fixes it I’ll kiss you :kiss:


Pictures or it didn’t happen!

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It doesn’t. This makes it much much worse.

Now he didn’t say where…