Reference built-in tables in RDD without relationships?

I’m certain this must have been discussed somewhere but I’m having difficulty searching it up. I would like to reference Data Sources (tables) that Epicor includes in their RDD, but haven’t created relationships for or added to the query on the .rdl file. Specifically, I’m hoping to reference the warehse table on the RMA form. The only two tables referenced in the report file’s query are RMAHead and RMADtl.

Is there a method/syntax that would allow me to use the data in this table? Without knowing how Epicor has it joined to the other tables, I’m just guessing that it will have the info I’m hoping it has.

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Have you looked at the linked tables at all? A lot of times what I am trying to bring over to the report ends up being able to be linked in from an existing table. It simplifies things a bit.

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I checked the linked tables for RMAHead and RMADtl and didn’t find anything that would give me what I need in this case, but that is a good tip.

I’m actually not sure how to get what you’re asking but I think we can figure it out. You might be able to create a new dataset in the RDL report file and then for that query, you’d write it in the same format as the one in the default dataset you’d work from but instead of using those tables, you can write it to Warehse_GUID table. I’m not positive but I think that will work.

But then you will just get a list of all warehouses and the columns you included in the RDD.

If you want it to be in reference to something in your existing report that might change, for instance, you would add the Warehse table to a relationship off the RMAHead or Dtl table based on whatever fields are shared between them.

The first thing I would try is making the fields on the table Un-Excluded (which it looks like you already have).

Once you have that saved, go to APR and see if the table and fields are available.

If they are, hurray! If not, we can continue to work on it.

**The reason why I recommend that above first is that Epicor can create relationships that you cannot see. Once, there was not a relationship defined so I created it myself. Then, on the report all of the data was duplicated. It took me a lot of time to finally solve the issue and it was because now there were 2 relationships between those tables, the one I created and the secret one Epicor had.

I was just trying creating my own relationships, but rather than 2 sets of data I get nothing from the extra tables I’m trying to loop in.

Sorry, I’m blanking on what you mean by APR?

I tried adding relationships and I get nothing from the tables I’m trying to add in. Maybe this means they have no data, or maybe it means I’m doing it wrong.

Do you know how I populate the Whse_Guid parameter once I have that created?

@rhardiman , post screenshots of the relationship you created.

The PartTran table holds transactional records that have happened. If the RMA has not been received yet, there will be no data. Are you trying to get this information after the RMA has been received?

AH! That makes sense as to why there was no data. If I try to run the report on an RMA that HAS been received, I get an error.

I think I may be out of luck with this table, but my original mission is to get the default bins of the parts and I can get that by tying more tables to PartTran.

Have you put the default bins on the Part record itself? If so, we can get you there. That data is stored in either PartPlant or PartWhse.

@rhardiman - What is it in layman’s terms that you’re trying to accomplish? If you said it in a comment I overlooked it. I just saw you wanted to reference a table that isn’t in a relationship. But if the goal is to find a specific bin related to the RMA, I agree with @jkane … we can get you there. Just need to know what you’re trying to get to.

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