Reduce number of fields in Bartender file

How can I reduce number or filter out the fields created in the file for bartender for genInv template?

On the RDD.

Damn that’s a lot of fields.



Big label printer.

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Holy. Cow.

Did you get it @atuljainajm ?

Hi @utaylor ,
Yes I did. Thanks.
Now I am trying to bring in Partbinfo table, after adding Parttran and Part table.
When I select Definition only for Join, it doesn’t bring any field and when I select output, it duplicates the record.
Can you please help with this?

What’s your join for the PartBinINfo? What table are you joining that to and what fields?

show me in the RDD not your notepad please.

I have removed the partbininfo for now and I am waiting for your suggestion to try.

Thanks for the help.

Do parts have mulitple part transaction in your part tran table @atuljainajm ?

What’s the point of the Parttran2Comp?

If I use the default RDD geninv and add Parttran table, where should I join Parttran table?

Atul, it makes sense that you are seeing multiple rows in your data set after you join part tran because parttran is a table that stores all/multiple transactions for a part. So if you aren’t selecting a single row from part tran it makes sense that multiple would come back. Does that make sense?

Yes it does.
I am getting the single row as output and these are my current joins

My goal is to extract a field PartbinInfo and add to this file. What would be the best way to it?

Your joins are defined on the “Relationships Tab” when you select a relationship i.e. “Parttran2Comp” or “Parttran2Part.” In other words, you are showing me relationships you have, but you aren’t showing me the relationships and the fields you selected in the join.

Would you please show me that?

Please see below: