While trying to complete and close the job, i am getting the error “Record not Available”. There are transactions on the job and all the operations show an “A” status. Below is the detail message:
Are you by any chance doing job-to-job transactions in this job? We’ve run into some odd behavior when a parent job is firmed before a child job. Ended up with corruption in the job prod table that we had to get a fix from Epicor Support to resolve.
No, the job does not have any parent jobs. It is directly linked to the Sales Order.
This is slightly different than an error/issue I had in the past, but perhaps it could be the same root cause (a variation on a theme).
The issue I had was that there were orphaned records on the job. At some point, someone deleted a few assemblies from the job… but for some reason, the Operations for those assemblies stuck around in the background. So when I went to close the job, the BO service pulled in all the operation records, but a handful didn’t have an assembly sequence assigned, so the whole job closing process failed.
I eventually had to get a DataFix from Epicare to delete the orphaned records, and then I could proceed with the job closing.
My Error was slightly different. It stated that “A Valid Job Number is Required”. But I was able to identify the missing records by querying the JobAsmbl, JobOper tables, etc. Basically setting up the query to return all records and looking for Operations with blank Assembly Sequences.
Again, I can’t say your issue is the same. But I would search for Operations that don’t have assigned Assemblies, or things along those lines.
Below is the thread I had when battling this, in case it is helpful at all: