I want to email an alert when a UD field on the OrderHed record is changed - I can achieve this by capturing the Updated field value but would also like to include in the Alert the value prior to the update - how can I achieve this?
Capture the Updated field value for the new value.
Capture the Unchanged field value for the old value.
In the Data Directive, Epicor will pass Unchanged (the old row) and Updated (the new row).
Hi Haso
Thanks for the reply.
I was trying to perform through a pre processing bpm on the method rather than a Data Directive.
Is it not possible to code within a method directive?
you can do this in many ways, and yes you can use pre process update method BPM code or/and widget to find the original value from the database before the update takes place and save it in a call context variable then call both values (after and before) in your email and/or alert message.