Receipt Entry - can't find event to capture PO Number change

I am trying to capture PO Number change in Receipt Entry (classic app) and can’t find appropriate event. I was already trying:
EpiViewNotification - it capture only first PO selection (Initialization) and do not capture anything when existing PO is changed to another one.
Field Change event - PO Number is bind to MultiSearchView dataView but underlying table is RcvHead, however field change event for that table is not capturing that PO number was changed.
I was even trying to use control events but also did not succeed in 100%. i.e. TextChanged is fired on every keyboard stroke, Validated is no fired when PO is changed via search button.

Any hint? I need to capture PO change either when user will type number or when user will search for PO via button, regardless if this will be first or subsequent change.

Can you just set up a change log or are you trying to do something with the information once captured?

I am trying to do something with PO number. I need to run some logic in UI Customization when PO Number is changing.

I would try a preprocessing method directive instead of trying to capture any UI events.

It was rather post-processing method but yes - that was a right direction.

I don’t know why I did not thought about it in first place. Maybe because PONum is bind to MultiSearchViev dataView? But data have to be pulled somehow. Anyway thank you for help.