Receipt Complete box will not check, greyed out

Having a strange issue on receipt entry, the Received box is checked, the quantities show remaining = 0 but the complete box can’t be checked, it’s greyed out. Anyone seen this before? It’s a supplier managed PO and there is only one line and one release. Destination is a supplier managed bin which matches the PO supplier.

Hmmmm. (thinking out loud)… have you matched the receipt up to an AP Invoice yet? Maybe that will mark it complete?

I think you’re just bragging that you can get semiconductor parts while the rest of us are looking at 26 to 52 week lead times! :wink:

But seriously … Any Misc charges on the PO Header or Line? Odd ShipTo or 3rd party bill to?

Thanks Tim and @ckrusen !

Ultimately turned out to be a fact that supplier managed inventory receipts do not get the complete box checked, the inventory goes into stock. Later, an AP invoice is generated upon transfer from the supplier managed bin into a different bin or job. The problem was AP got the packing slip and probably shouldn’t have.