Last week we were having issues with the server that hosts IDC/ECM and after I had left on Friday, our IT department was still here working on things. I’ve come in this morning and while ECM seems to be operating fine, we have a bunch of batches in IDC that are stuck at the “Ocr performed - ready for classify” step. I’ve tried restarting them, but they still remain at that step and any new batches I send in get stuck as well.
Typically under Admin Panel → Configuration → Workflow configuration, we have “Class verify” turned off for “Process module settings” and on for “Automatically skip user modules”, but even when I turn “Process module settings” on, I cannot see where I can approve those. Also, to make things more interesting, I am almost certain that with one of the documents currently stuck, I had looked at it in Data Verification earlier this morning, but had not submitted it to ECM.
Under “Active Clients”, I am not seeing a client for Classify, but also am not sure if there were any beforehand.
Typically it is best to restart the services after any issues to see if that clears up the issue. We often put a scheduled task which does this for both IDC and ECM on a nightly basis as the clients have demonstrated issues and this seems to mitigate how often we need to restart them manually. By the sounds of things, it may just be that the IDC automation service isn’t running or is in a stuck status.
You could also try an “iisreset” command at the command prompt (Run as Admin), assuming the above didn’t resolve the issue. This will reset the AppPool(s) which could also be a contirbuting factor if the associated account has become stuck.
Where would I go to restart the services? I’ve restarted things under EpicorECM (Docstar) Server Configuration, but have never really restarted anything for IDC besides restarting Input Service and Email Input Client.
Assuming this is an OnPrem installation, you would navigate to the IDC server and then open the Windows Services. From there there is a list of Epicor IDC services, one of which is the automation client.
Ok, now this will really sound dumb, but just to make sure, whether DocStar is OnPrem or Cloud will be determined by our Kinetic installation, correct? We use Kinetic via the Cloud so I’m assuming DocStar is as well, but didn’t know if they could independent from each other?
Doesn’t sound dumb at all as there are several ways things can be configured. As such, none of the applications are dependent on the other to be OnPrem of cloud (SaaS).
The easiest way to tell if your installation is OnPrem or SaaS is the URL. For ECM, the URL will have a “cloud#” at the beginning for SaaS installations whereas an OnPrem installation would have a local server name. For IDC, the URL will have a “docstaridc” at the beginning for SaaS installations whereas an OnPrem installation would have a local server name.
Ok, thanks for clarifying, I’m glad I asked haha. Looks like both our IDC and ECM instances are OnPrem.
I’ll have to try your recommendation in a little bit. We have someone else doing some work in the server right now, but I’m eager to test out that solution. Now if I had to resort to the “iisreset” command option, I’m assuming that could affect many other things in that server? It might end up being something I would have to try at the end of the day.
To the best of my knowledge, IIS is an application that creates a web address for an application. Both IDC and ECM use IIS to create a URL that, given the proper permissions, any user can access across your domain. The “iisreset” command will reset all of the websites hosted by the IIS application on the server where you are resetting it. Often this is just IDC and nothing else, but every customer will have their own unique configuration so this isn’t to say yours doesn’t have more hosted than just IDC.
We often put a scheduled task which does this for both IDC and ECM on a nightly basis as the clients have demonstrated issues and this seems to mitigate how often we need to restart them manually
Not sure if we’ll get into this, but do you all restart all ECM and IDC ones? Would that not cause issues?
We typically set it up to restart all of the services on the IDC server, as well as the ECM automation client service on that same server. This is scheduled to run nightly at 3:00am so as to avoid interfering with users as much as possible.