Re-Open a Sales Order

We have a few Sales Orders that we need to add additional lines to but when I go in they show as closed so I try to re-open (Actions > Order > Re-open Order) and receive message “Cannot reopen, Order has changes that must be saved or undone first.” ??? Our consultant hasn’t been helpful so I’m putting the question out here - what do we have to do to re-open the sales order to add lines? Yes, we have received and invoiced against these orders. No clue what the “changes” are that “must be saved/undone first” would be. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Are you multi company?
The order should only say it has pending changing if there are,… pending changes.
My guess is you have a buggy customization in Order Entry.
Try opening Order Entry (BASE) and re-open the order that way. Does it work then?

No we’re not multi-company
not sure what you mean by “opening Order Entry (BASE)”? I’m in where we normally enter orders.

If you run it as Developer you can select “base Only”

unfortunately I do not have access to that. our IT guy is swamped but I’ll see what he says

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would that be the same as “reset layouts to base” in the Tools dropdown?

Just FYI your suggestion worked perfectly in our test environment which I have all access in it…so requested the needed access in Production…thanks so much

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