Have a request to add on the SO PickList to put an alert “SubAsmbly” on the print out for jobs that have sub assemblies. I’ve copied the RDD, the base includes JobProd so I added JobOper as a child (
JobProd-to-JobOper on fields Company & JobNum). I ensured all relationship fields are included in the RDD export plus SysRow and SysRev. Still no data from JobOper is exported into the report dataset. I’ve modified RDDs for years and even tried a new RDD from the base.
Not even to that point when the SSRS database doesn’t contain any data exported for the report. This report however, is one of our remaining Crystal, so the XML export doesn’t contain any data from JobOper just the definition at the top of the file. SysRow and SysRev are not part of the join, Compaany and JobNum are the two relation ship fields. They are included, set to unchecked on the Excludes tab.
SysRevID and SysRowID are set to true (show up in the exported dataset) because Epicor has a habit of NOT exporting if these fields are set to exclude. That happened in the SSRS report I modified yesterday in fact.
My apologies for asking the obvious: have you viewed the job and seen the demand link (JobProd record) listed there? And confirmed that the job has operations?
Calvin, I think it’s how 10.2 displays the RDDs, it was odd for me at first too. This is a copy of the stock SOPick RDD and the only changes is adding JobOper and the relationship pictured before. It’s not a BAQ Report, in our case it’s a Crystal report but as the RDD isn’t exporting the data, SSRS would have the same problem.
Just out of curiosity, have you tried recreating the RDD from scratch, laborious as it seems, it may save a bit of hassle. It could be something as simple a messed up XML, sort of like how sometimes you end up with orphaned properties in a customization.
Or did I just miss a post where you said you did that?
@Randy - any chance the reference of “JobProd” in the RDD is a dataset that is calculated at run-time, and not the actual JobProd DB table? That could explain why the key doesn refer to any of the JobProd table’s indexes.
I rarely see the following as a suggested solution - so there must be something “bad” about doing it.
What about making a sub-report that uses a dataset independent of the RDD, and just use data from the RDD’s dataset to pass as params to the sub-report?